Welcome to our week in photos. Mostly an update for the grandparents so they can see what we get up to, and keep up with our crazy. Cats, kids, chaos, usually with cake & coffee thrown in…
I am feeling better this week, recovering from an evil bout of tonsillitis. I did have a minor procedure on my knee at the end of this week, but it seems to have gone as expected and we await the results of some tests that have been done to see what our next move is with my knee and what has to be done, next. My small son decided smarties are the cure for knee pain and post op recovery, I can’t really argue with chocolate as a prescription, can I?
Despite my not feeling at my best we have had a busy week.
The boy and I went to see the Cbeebies Christmas pantomime, which is going to be shown in cinemas. It was a lot of fun, and he loved seeing some familiar faces and having his face painted. A trip to London is always fun, even if we did manage to almost get caught up in a rather large crowd of not so very nice protesters on our way home. Safe to say I am glad I know most of central London like the back of my hand and was able to walk us quickly away to a safer route back to the station to get us home.
We have also been finishing off for me at work, cat hats (yes, I bought it), stroppy tweenagers, cat snuggles, little boys who interrupt when parents want to have a grown up dinner alone, and the tween and I (when she is not being stroppy) have started watching Martha Stewart cookery programmes on YouTube. She and I rather like cooking videos and it’s a thing we both agree on, so it’s a nice bonding time, in between the disagreements over how often she is on her phone, and which of my lipsticks she has decided to borrow…
This is our last update for 2018. We are off to France next Friday for ten days. House sitters and cat sitters are booked, and we are off to look after someone else’s dog and cat for a week and enjoy some much needed family time out. The last quarter of 2018 has been really hard for us, for many reasons and we are hoping for a good break and better things and news into 2019. I am switching off from social media, other than the odd visit to Twitter from next weekend until when we get back home. I may or may not take photos to share of our France Christmas Adventure…
How has your week been?