My cosy end of day self care routine

Sharing a collaborative post with some of my cosy end of day self care routine, that helps to keep me mostly sane. As a busy working mum, I often find my needs may come last, as I juggle lots of balls or plates, spinning in the air. Home education, work, parenting, marriage, being a friend, […]


Supplements that may help ease Menopause symptoms

Menopause brings a host of changes that can feel overwhelming, and menopause symptoms from hot flushes to mood swings, brain fog and bone health concerns. While there’s no one-size-fits-all cure, certain supplements can help ease symptoms and support well-being during this transition. There are supplements you can take, that may help. I have found one […]


Sky Viper Force Drone, from Wicked Uncle

I must confess, that I am not brilliant navigating things like flying drones, but when Wicked Uncle asked if we would like to review the Sky Viper Force Hand Controlled Drone, I thought it might be time to try again. I have a son, who unlike his mother, has brilliant hand eye coordination, who offered […]


Now We’re Talking – Sarah Rosenthuler

I haven’t done a non fiction book review for a while, so I am delighted to be sharing my thoughts on Now We’re Talking, by Sarah Rosenthuler. How to discuss what really matters. Because it’s non fiction, there is less risk of spoilers. This book may contain affiliate links. These will be marked with * […]


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