*This is a review post. We were sent an item to share on our blog*
As a family, we try to be positive and kind and to help our children (and the adults in the house) to be calm. Can-Do is a great little tool to help with that.

What is Can-Do?
Can-do was created by a husband and wife team and their family to give daily doses of affirmation and mindfulness exercises, to help build a can-do attitude and a positive and calm mindset. This has become even more prevalent in these strange times of the pandemic and the high levels of anxiety in our kids.
Whilst we had seen various journals and tools in the marketplace, from our own experience, we knew that not every child will commit to writing something out daily so we wanted to create something quick and fun for kids to engage with, something simple and colourful but that still included important messages about confidence, mindfulness and gratitude. The can is full of cards with colourful pictures to catch the eye one side and a prompt or exercise on the other.
The aim is to help build positive mindsets and a can-do attitude in kids and teens everywhere. Their ambition is to grow our ‘little cans’ to cover a wide variety of issues and help people, young and old, to de-stress, enjoy life and be grateful.

We think this is a brilliant idea. Each little can contains 28 cards with suggestions for simple things you can do each day, to make you think, give you a moment to do something that is calm and thoughtful and it’s a great way to work with kids and adults to be more mindful. The children think it’s great fun, and love taking turns to choose a card each day. It can help to make a day more positive or give you something to add into your day to bring some calm and mindfulness to everyone.

It’s a lovely way to start or end the day, or when you are, ahem, feeling the pressure of life and just want to grab a few minutes to regroup. I have even used it as a moment to pull things together when the kids are niggling and squabbling, to distract and calm everyone down. Parenting life can be quite challenging and our kids face stresses and situations that we didn’t have to deal with as kids, so helping them to focus, be more self-aware and help them to process life a little better is not a bad thing.

This would make a great gift for a family, or just something to give someone a little boost, and it’s a lovely concept, for times of stress and strain and to help your kids work on how they look at life. My kids look forward to each day, and seeing what Can-Do tells us and what we can learn.