Beetroot, rocket, feta and chickpea salad

I am not a salad fan, in that I find lumps of lettuce and soggy cucumber most unappealing and unappetising. However, there are certain salad ingredients that when combined, make a delicious and easy meal, that you can make as health or indulgent as you want. I don’t want hamster food, I like texture, taste and flavour, and also not to feel hungry after I’ve eaten. Soggy lettuce salads are for rabbits, in fact, rabbits are fussy too.

This rocket, roasted chickpea, feta and beetroot combination is a favourite of mine. If you don’t like beetroot you could use really good quality fresh tomato or roasted peppers.

chickpea salad

Rocket, or if you are American, arugula, is great for your health because it’s packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s low in calories but high in vitamins A, C, and K, which help with immune support, eye health, and bone strength. It’s also full of antioxidants, which help protect your body from damage. The peppery leaves are a good source of folate, useful for cell function and heart health. Plus, it’s rich in fibre, which aids digestion. Adding rocket to your meals is an easy way to give your diet a nutritious boost without much effort.

Beetroot is a brilliant veggie for your health. It’s full of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, iron, and fibre, which help boost your immune system, improve blood flow, and support digestion. The nitrates in beetroot can help lower blood pressure and improve stamina, making it great for your heart. It’s also packed with antioxidants that protect your cells from damage. Some people even say beetroot helps with brain function and exercise performance. Whether roasted, juiced, or in a salad, it’s a tasty and easy way to add a healthy kick to your diet.

Chickpeas are a great addition to your diet because they’re packed with nutrients. They’re rich in protein, making them a solid choice for anyone, especially vegetarians and vegans. Full of fibre, chickpeas help with digestion and can keep you feeling fuller for longer. They’re also loaded with important vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, which support energy levels and heart health. Plus, they’re good for balancing blood sugar. Whether in hummus, curries, or salads, chickpeas are a tasty, versatile, and healthy way to get more nutrition into your meals.

I roast my chickpeas for this salad because it adds extra crunch and flavour.

This serves 2 people so just adjust ingredients accordingly for more or less. It’s great for a lunch or just as a nice salad meal.

You need:

  • 3 small beetroot, not the pickled kind, the fresh cooked kind, chopped into small cubes or chunks
  • 150g of rocket
  • 50g of feta
  • 1 can of chickpeas, drained and you can roast them, or have them as they are, but the crunch of the roasted chickpeas makes this salad. If you don’t have time you could use pumpkin seeds instead, which are also really good for you and add texture and crunch

Wash the rocket and make sure it’s dry and not soggy. Soggy salad leaves are not for eating.

Toss all your ingredients into a bowl and mix well. If you want to add a little olive oil you can.

Eat, faster than your colleagues or family can so you get a bigger serving.

This can keep in the fridge if you don’t add the chickpeas so you could make this for later and just add the chickpeas as you serve or eat it.

Simple, delicious and good for you. And definitely not rabbit food.

Why not Pin this for later so you can come back and make it?

Posted in Recipes and tagged beetroot, chickpeas, rocket, salad ideas.

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