As always, with book reviews, sharing my thoughts on Jump 2, You are enough, by JG Nolan, hopefully just enough to interest you in the book without sharing any spoilers. You can also read Jump 1*, and we think you should, although you can read this book as a stand alone book.
This post does contain affiliate links, if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I earn a small fee. These links are marked with * for your reference.

In the world of football, a blend of physical prowess and mental strength shapes champions.
Jamie Campbell is a talented young footballer whose sporting journey takes an unexpected twist when a family tragedy shatters her dreams and plunges her into a dark, lonely world from which she feels she will never escape.
In the depths of despair, Jamie finds solace and strength in her loyal friend, Robbie Blair.
Sent to the Lake District for a change of scene, Jamie embarks on an epic journey of self-discovery, where she must confront her fears, unlock the past and unearth her true potential.
But will she find all the answers and ultimately, is she enough?
This book, in the series by JG Nolan, really appealed to us, or mainly my son, because he’s a huge football fan, and I am always a fan of books he will read, so it’s a win win for us. He thoroughly enjoyed Jump 1, and was delighted to read Jump 2, and it was a change for him to be reading about a girl football player, and a good way to provoke conversations around women in football and the issues they face compared to their male coutnerparts.
It’s a good book for any teen or tween to read, because although it is football themed, the tone of the book and the story line could be placed in any part of life where someone, particulalry a girl faces challenges in life and the path she chooses to take, and facing fears, dealing with trauma and the choices we have to make in life.
It’s an easy read, and JG Nolan keeps your attention, with the flow and characters.
My 14 year old who is somewhat of a reluctant reader, defintately enjoyed this second book and he says I am allowed to tell you he recommends it.
You can get your hands on a copy here* and you can find out more about JG Nolan and Jump on Instagram here too…