Helping to make potty training easier with Huggies


So my children are out of nappies now, and they both potty trained with very few issues. I have worked with children and families for almost 20 years now and have, in my time, potty trained a fair number of children. For some children potty training happens very easily and is not a stresfful time, but for others it can take a bit of time, patience and encouragment. I have found that different things work for differnet chidlren. Emily potty trained totally unintentionally, to be honest, when she had chickenpox. I hadn’t planned on starting with her, but she had sore spots and being nappy free was helping her skin to heal, so we pulled out a potty whilst she was recovering at home in quarantine, and she got the hang of it so quickly that we decided to carry on when she was better and that was that.

Matthew was a little older, and we had waited until he had had his grommet surgery because we felt it would be easier if his hearing and speech were better before we started down the potty training route. He actually decided by  himself, one day, that he didn’t want to wear nappies any more, and announced that he wanted big boy pants. He is the kind of child that once he has decided to do soemthing, he won’t go back on that, so we let him take the lead and he literally was dry from day one, going to the toilet when he needed (and getting very cross with me when i asked him if he needed the toilet “I WILL tell you when I need a wee, Mummy”) and we never really looked back. I realise we were actually very lucky it all happened so easily and I certainly cannot claim to have put in much work, but I have worked with other children who took longer to get the hang of things and to be confident and dry during the day.

There are some basic things you can look for, when starting to think about introducing potty training. HUGGIES® Pull-Ups® have devised the 8 signs of readiness. When your little one can tick three or more you’re ready to go!

Potty Training readiness

We are delighted to have teamed up with Huggies with a potty training giveaway.

For day time HUGGIES® Pull-Ups®, the perfect tool for potty training, are encouraging parents and toddlers to say goodbye to nappies and hello to learning pants! The new learning liner inside HUGGIES® Pull-Ups® allows toddlers to feel wetness for a few moments, before quickly drawing the moisture away. This way, little ones will start to learn the difference between wet and dry and means they can ultimately stay dry on their own.

HUGGIES® Pull-Ups®, specifically designed to make potty training easier, have teamed up with The Madhouse of Cats and Babies to win a potty training starter kit to help your little one graduate to real undies with ease.

This includes two packs of HUGGIES® Pull-Ups® and two packs of HUGGIES® Pull-Ups® night time, both of which have Disney® graphics to make learning fun and encourage independence. Simply answer the question below for a chance to win.

What are HUGGIES® Pull-Ups® encouraging parents and toddlers to do?

a) Say goodbye to nappies and learning pants

b) Say goodbye to nappies and hello to learning pants

c) Say hello to nappies and goodbye to learning pants

 Visit for helpful tips and advice and to request your free sample.

Posted in Family Life and Parenting.


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