This is a personal post. We have spent over a year, swimming against a tide. It’s been tough. Brutal at points.
This is a very real photo. This might look like a post-lunch dining room table, but for us it symbolizes community.
What is community for you?
For us, it’s the people who have stuck around despite the fact that we’ve been swamped by our own issues for the past 18 months and haven’t been able to give much back. People who haven’t judged, but understood. It’s the people who have been there even if it’s meant it’s been a bit one-sided, who have accepted that my anxiety doesn’t mean I’m a broken person, and who’ve been there for us. It’s the people who stood with us when our life circumstances were threatened by things that blindsided us hard and who haven’t demanded or judged us as we’ve recovered from what has been the most traumatic time we’ve dealt with since we can remember.
It’s being able to sit around a table with people who we can laugh with and relate to.
It’s Sunday lunches you don’t mind shopping, cooking and cleaning up after because you’ve enjoyed the company who joined you.
We’ve felt very lost and sore this past eighteen months, for very large and some smaller reasons. I’m grateful for my community that has had my back.
And I’m grateful for my dishwasher because I’m practical too.
Sometimes it’s hard to be grateful. Life can be brutal. It’s not the fancy cars, the big houses, selling your soul to achieve “things”, the expensive holidays. You can’t take those with you.
Love, friends, and community. That’s what matters.
What are you grateful for today?
I’ve been really thankful for friends who have always been there even when I haven’t wanted to see anyone!
I’m always grateful for the friends and family that are there when we need it! And usually unexpected. glad you have yours xx
I am grateful that my family is complete, and for the most part, happy. Thank you for reminding me that I need to find that one thing to realise that it’s not all bad.
It sounds like you have some fantastic people supporting you.
Today I am grateful that my dad has been to pick up more dirty washing to do as my washing machine is still broken and that his partner will wash, dry and probably iron it. Amazing x
I think community is so important – to me it’s the group of ladies who come together once a week to skateboard, in Cardiff, of all ages from 16-40 – it’s a great supportive community and I love it
Laura x