Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop between Aldi and Asda, working on a weekly budget and managing sourcing food allergy supplies.

This week and for the next few weeks, I am on a bit of a personal health kick. I have gained some weight after having had knee surgery in 2017 (ironically I lost a lot of weight to be able to have the operation) and I want to feel healthier and better about myself. I am working with DietBon this week trying out their meals and plan (I will be sharing more about that next week) so I am not eating family meals, which means a little more careful planning.
Our week seems to have evolved to a place where 4 nights of the week the children and adults are not eating together due to activities we are all doing. That makes life a little complicated in terms of meal planning and I can’t say I will be sad when the half term break comes as it is less planning for me.
Monday – good old spaghetti bolognaises, easy for me to cook, in the slow cooker, and leaves leftovers for the next day for lunch.
Tuesday – the boy and I will be eating at work. He has a full day of homeschool and activities which means we leave the house at 8am and don’t get home till after 6pm. Leftovers from yesterday for one meal, and a lunchbox for lunch. I will be eating my Dietbon meals. The husband and tween will have jacket potatoes and fillings at home.
Wednesday – it’s ballet night so at the moment it’s pesto pasta for everyone and my meal plan for me.
Thursday – the boy is out for tea, and I am out for dinner, so I have treated the teen and husband to their favorite ready-made meals. I don’t do this often, but sometimes it works.
Friday – I get one free day in my diet meal plan so we are having a healthy salmon and rice dish. I recently discovered the delights of Harissa spices and it works well on salmon, so that’s easy.
Saturday – the husband and I went out for a Lebanese meal a few weeks ago and he tried baba ganoush for the first time and is now keen for me to learn to make it. I am going to experiment with a recipe I have found and we are going to have a mezze type meal on Saturday evening.
Sunday – a good old Sunday roast. Probably with Yorkshire puddings. I will be monitoring my portion control and carb intake and starting with the DietBon plan again on the Monday for my second week.
So that’s our meal plan Monday for this week. It feels more complicated than it looks.
I would love some “take out” or meals on the go ideas to replace with pesto pasta, so if you had any suggestions, I would be delighted to here them. It’s getting boring.
Another busy week for you!
I love cooking in the slow cooker just for the leftovers.
Good luck with the DietBob meals x