Life in Lockdown. I never thought I would have to write those words. But over three weeks ago, like much of the world, we were told we had to STAY HOME. It isn’t optional and we are doing our very best to protect our health care system and stop the spread of a virus that is causing devastation around the world. Trying to balance my anxiety around illness and death whilst also running a home, supporting the husband who is working full time at home, educating one child and supervising the education of the other, whilst also try to work myself is, shall we say challenging. But we have to do this, we don’t have much choice. This is our weekly diary of how things are going for us.

1) How are you feeling/coping? – We are doing ok. The boy had a very hard Sunday evening and Monday and hit his point of low where I think lockdown life just got too much for him, totally not surprising, he’s coped very well so far but it is hard on the children, all of this and we can’t fix it. I also had a very bad day on Wednesday, it really was a hump day. I don’t know why I find Wednesday so hard, but I have noticed a pattern. Anyone else finding this?
2) What are you doing to keep yourself occupied? – Blogging, trying to keep the house vaguely tidy, carrying on homeschooling full time as is normal for us, and also doing some volunteer triage work on the phone for a local charity.
3) How are you dealing with everything at the moment – are you self-isolated, going out for essentials etc? Has this changed? We are “shielding” the teen, who is struggling with uncontrolled asthma, only diagnosed just before lockdown. She is due for a review of this as we have been working on her medications, triggers, and what works and what doesn’t but for now we are not going anywhere other than for very socially distanced walks early in the morning to avoid people. I have to leave the house next week for a medical appointment and frankly, if they cancel it and put it off for a few weeks I won’t be sad. I am not ready to be out and processing what feels like living with the plague yet.
4) What advice do you have for others? – This is bloody tough and it’s ok not to be loving it, but please reach out for help if you think you may be reaching a not coping point and are worried about yourself or someone else.
5) What have you bought this week that others might like? Especially if from a small business. I bought some hand cream from Nursem, and it’s flipping amazing. It was recommended by a friend and is helping my poor hands that are struggling with constant handwashing.
6) How has your routine been this week? It has been ok, we stick to a fairly fixed routine because the boy doesn’t cope well if we don’t and actually the adults prefer it too and it keeps up sane.
7) Have you planned anything for once lockdown is over this week? I really, really, really need a hair cut and look forward to when it will be safe to go and get that done. Also I just want to go and have coffee somewhere that is not my own house.
8) Anything else. We survived a full month in lockdown and there have been some downs but also some lovely moments. You can see what we have been up to.

Check Out These Posts Sarah’s post this week and also Rebecca’s post here
And if you want to, why not Link Up With Us?
Thank you so much for linking up with us again. I am so sorry your son found this week so hard. I can’t imagine what it is like for children, I’m an adult and I’ve had enough now lol.
Thanks. It’s not easy on anyone, is it?