*This is a collaborative post*
Part of our homeschool curriculum is learning about nature, the world, our environment, and what we can do to help by being a greener family. Wild Days from Earth Watch Europe is a great site with lots of activities and resources to help parents, teachers, and kids learn and do practical and fun things that are greener.

Bored at home? We’re here to help! Sign up for Wild Days for nature-focused daily activities to help children learn about the environment from home.
Wild Days is a free service providing around an hour of curated outdoor activities every day, to bring your family closer to nature during the COVID-19 pandemic.
From Water Week onwards, you can sign up for all our resources for free. You’ll get a range of exclusive original content, including activities, videos and games, devised by in-house experts at Earthwatch Europe. If you want to access Wildlife Communities and Food, our first two weeks of resources, you’ll need to pay. This is because we launched as a paid-for service before receiving the generous support of the Tomoro Foundation, Tanya and Michael Rembaum, and Neville Shulman to fund the future of Wild Days. This funding will support everything from Water Week onwards, which is all free for you to enjoy!
We’re also delighted to have received the support of many well-known presenters, naturalists and scientists, who will be contributing videos and activities throughout this project.
We have had a lot of educational fun, using their site to watch videos, download activities, and find resources to help us to things whilst we are out on our walks or in the garden. There is all sorts you can find to do and take part in and you can use things you have at home to create bird feeders, count worms, look at plants, work out how to use less water, and it’s a great way to get kids and their fmailies thinking about the impact we have on nature and the world around us.

We have counted and looked at worms, spent a lot of time looking at plants in our garden, and out and about near us, made a bird feeder or two from recycling waste and ingredients from the cupboard and items from our garden, and we have also watched some very useful and intersting vidoes shared.

The site is really easy to use and has loads of activities that are great for kids to get involved in and I also really enjoyed watching them too. We found it works really well as part of what we do for homeschool but this is a great idea for all parents and the activities are aimed at being kid-friendly, always a win with busy parents. Each week there are things to do and a new theme and there are faces you will recognise from tv and nature programmes too.
You can print and download crafts, worksheets, and information, to use and you don’t have to go and buy lots of things either.

It’s well worth having a look and signing up for, we are thoroughly enjoying learning and doing all sorts of green and nature things, and it’s kept us very busy and we have learned a lot too!