*We were delighted to review How to Spot a Mum for this blog post*
This is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day. I’ll say that at the start of this piece of writing.
How to Spot a Mum by Donna Amey Batt with lovely illustrations by Aura Lewis

This warm and witty celebration of mums is the perfect gift to share on Mother’s Day.
How to Spot a Mum is a tongue-in-cheek tribute and ode to all mums, everywhere. Young readers and parents alike can learn all about mums, from what they are (super-humans!), to some of the special skills they have, including detecting fibs, solving mysteries and conflict resolution.
This beautifully illustrated book is the perfect ‘Spotter’s Guide’ to mums. You’ll discover that all mums are unique, and you’ll meet many different types of mum – from the Outdoorsy Mum who loves fresh air and the Chatty Mum who’s always got a story, to the Rebel Mum who never reads the instructions. You may spot yourself, or your own mum on the pages, too!
Mother’s Day for me is always a little bittersweet because my own mum died when I was 18, and I wish she was here to enjoy her grandchildren, but I try to be positive and happy and enjoy my own motherhood, even though I miss her very much. Finding books and fun things to make me smile helps a lot.
Available at Waterstones this book is just delightful and a perfect gentle gift for a mum for Mother’s Day, for a new mum, or for any grandmas who have a sense of humour. Beautifully illustrated and written with real life mums in mind, it gives you a reminder of what and who mums are and a new appreciation for all their good bits and their very few faults.
I found it hard to decide which Mum I actually am, but my children and husband have strong opinions, of course. Apparently I am Rebel Mum, they are probably right.
This little book is well worth getting your hands on to enjoy and treasure.
To help you celebrate Mother’s Day, we have one copy of this lovely book to giveaway. simply comment on this blog post and tell us what kind of mum you are, or what kind of mum you might be, or might be giving this to and then click on the link below to complete your entry.
How to Spot A Mum – book giveawayOne winner will be chosen on 11th March and will be sent the book first class to arrive in time for Mother’s Day. A winner will be contacted by email.
Please see our terms and conditions on the link for entry rules.
Kind loving considerate – makes life a joy