Monday 4th November 2024
How was my day?
Mostly ok. At the risk of sounding moany, painful. I currently have two discs in my back compressing against my spinal cord, or if you want the laymans terms, severe sciatica. It hurts. A lot. Most of the time. And today was a bad one. But we carry on. Work was pleasant and mostly calm, and the little boy I help to look after on a Monday is a pleasure to be around, so despite pain, it wasn’t a bad day. We made mushroom stroganoff, with my cooking group that I work with (we cook with families who are living in hotels, due to homelessness or their immigration status, I always enjoy my Monday night cooking sessions and I learn a few things each session and taste new things)
Both of my kids have some sort of winter germs. I am hoping (without much faith) that they won’t reach me, but I suspect they will, it’s inevitable.
Tomorrow is the US elections and the world, I think, is mostly holding it’s breath, waiting to see if one person beats another and if we have a man many don’t want to get the job, get the job, whilst many support him. I must admit, I don’t understand the support for him, but politics is like that, isn’t it?
I started calorie counting today. I hate calorie counting, but I need to loose 50lb, so one way or another, I need to eat less, move more and shift some of the weight. I think low carb will suit me better, but I am still working that out.
My oldest child wants me to stay up with her and watch the election tomorrow evening. Best I go to bed, now, so I have the stamina…
So, how was your day?