Katkin: Feeding a cat with food allergies & a sensitive tummy

Katkin kindly asked us to review their cat food delivery service and we were delighted to give it a go, to see if it would help our cat Tabitha who not only has a very sensitive tummy, and is very fussy about her food but is also allergic to fish.

Did you know that cats can have food allergies too, and it’s not just a human condition? Feeding a cat with food allergies can be tricky, depending on what they are allergic to.

The Katkin team is made up of world-leading vets, nutritionists, nurses and experienced Cat Experts who have come up with freshly prepared, gently cooked, then sealed portions of food, specially for cats.

We were keen to be part of that number. We want to keep our cats healthy and happy, well fed and content.

Katkin say that their food promotes:

Better digestion, less stink in the litter boxNo grains your cat struggles to digest = no smell, no mess, no fuss.

More energy and playfulness. Meat is a cat’s best source of energy. They’re tired and moody without it.

Shinier, thicker coat and less hairballs. Less shed, more shine thanks to good fats and nutrients. Healthy inside and out.

Easy-to-maintain healthy weight. Personalised calories get cats easily to their healthy weight. No fuss.


Most cat food is heat blasted so it can be boxed and stored on shop shelves but Katkin is cooked and then frozen, so when you serve it, it is fresh and in much better condition that treated cat food in sachets or tins.

They have a wide variety of types of meat food, and they don’t add funny ingredients, oils, rusk or preservatives either so you know your cat is literally eating what it says on the packet.

It’s a very simple system, to set up your deliveries based on your cat’s needs and diet preferences (Tabitha is not a fan of duck and can’t have fish, but she LOVES poultry) and you decide how much food you want per batch, and it’s then delivered frozen, for you.


You defrost the portions you need and they last 5 days in the fridge sealed, so you can batch defrost.

We keep ours in the freezer and defrost 4/5 packets at a time in the fridge and each morning and evening we pull out a tray, and serve our very fussy little cat her meal.

@catskidschaos Tabtiha loves her @KatKin.Club cat food. We know what’s in the food, her sensitive digestive issues have settled and her litter tray smells much better and we can avoid exposing her to fish products which make her really unwell. Happy cat = happy humans. #katkinclub #catfood #healthycat #happycat #cathealth #catlife #catownerproblems #catlife #catsloversclub #catskidschaos #catfyp #CapCut ♬ Happy and Healthy – 331Music

She loves the Katkin food. One of the issues with commercial food and her senstive tummy was the state of her kitty litter tray. Let’s just say, ahem, powerfully pungent and not particurlay healthy. We have tried other foods but when we decided to go with a simpler and meat based diet, we noticed a huge improvement. We know it’s working because we forgot to defrost some food a couple of times and she has had to have some of her brother’s food and the kitty litter results proved that her tummy is definitely happier on Katkin.

It is more expensive that commercial cat food you would buy in the supermarket but because it’s a specialist food, fresh, pure ingredients, you are paying for what you get and the reality is that if you have a cat that needs special food or has a sensitive stomach or is super fussy or has allergies, then you need to feed them what is best for them, and factoring that cost into our monthly budget has been worth it.

You can get a free trial of Katkin too, and see if it works for your kitty or kitties, and helps them to eat better, and if they are dealing with digestive or tummy issues, to feel better too. Just click here to see how it all works.

We definitely recommend it. Tabitha gets very excited for her meals and is much healthier and happier. She thinks Katkin is pawsome, and we do to…

Posted in Pet's Corner and tagged cat tummy issues, food allergies in cats, fussy cats, Katkin, Pet food.