Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023

As we say goodbye 2022 and hello to 2023, I thought we would round up our year and share where we have been at and how the year has been for us. 2022 seems to have had two modes, for us. A rollercoaster we can’t get off and wading through quicksand whilst juggling cacti. January […]


New Year, new me? Or not. Letting go…

Happy New Year. You might be reading this through a blur of coffee and recovery after enjoying a New Year’s Eve party or celebration, or you might like me, have gone to bed early, because you have kids who don’t sleep in (actually mine slept in ’til 8 am today, which is a minor miracle) […]


Goodbye 2016

I haven’t made any resolutions for 2017. I don’t keep them. I am not planning any glorious blog triumphs or personal life goals  (ok, we are on the very last ditch attmepts to get me pregnant, but that’s not really a goal any more, more of a last attempt to persuade this body of mine […]