Happy New Year. You might be reading this through a blur of coffee and recovery after enjoying a New Year’s Eve party or celebration, or you might like me, have gone to bed early, because you have kids who don’t sleep in (actually mine slept in ’til 8 am today, which is a minor miracle) I actually don’t like parenting my kids on minimal sleep and a hangover so I choose to avoid it at all costs.
All over social media and blogs, I am seeing New Year, New Me posts, or goal setting posts, or plans. Lists of things to be done or achieved. Weight loss, fitness, decluttering, travel, relationships, work. Nothing wrong with that, in theory, I guess.
I don’t do any of that.
I have goals and plans, but they are the same as they were and have been. I need to lose a bit of weight, I want to run more. I am on a mission to clean out and declutter my house. My career and work-life may be taking a dramatic twist later this year, and we as a family have some ideas in mind for how we want 2020 to look, but I haven’t made any lists or put anything down on paper or type.
My therapist actually told me not to set any goals or targets. She thinks that tangible long term plans that are achievable are better than making a list of what I need to “achieve” in 2020. She thinks that anxiety and lists of things I need to sort, fix, do, attend, make, or change are not a good combination. She’s right.
I have things I would like to do, see happen, or make possible, but I am holding them loosely and I am, which is hard as a Type A person who likes to be in control and who doesn’t like unplanned or surprises, trying to let life happen and see what the year brings. I think for me, that’s harder than setting goals to be honest.
In the words of a famous Dinsey song. “Let it go” is my mantra for this year.
I do have two goals, though. Do you want to know what they are? Ok actually three, if I think about it…
- Drink more water. I don’t drink enough. I have a hipster water bottle and a reminder set on my watch.
- To teach my son Latin, he has asked for that to be part of his homeschool curriculum for 2020, and I loved Latin at school so I am excited for that.
- Enjoy and embrace the normal, happy ordinary moments of life and cherish them for what they are, in between the tough bits, that no doubt life will throw at me and us.
And that’s it.
I think I can manage those…
![New Year](https://catskidschaos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/happy-new-year-4722699_1920-1024x683.jpg)
Hums Frozen song. Here’s to 2020, I am ready for you, I think.
Wonderful post and very true I totally get it. I do not speak any latin sounds amazing to teach your son. #stayclassymama
Loads of wisdom in this post. I am very much like you this year looking at long-term plans but with a gentle approach as I can be way too hard on myself. Good to find someone else who did Latin – rare thing methinks. Also I need to up my water drinking and cut down the caffeine. #StayClassyMama
They sound very realistic achievable goals. You’re right about the lists causing anxiety. Mine is to d 30 minutes of exercise everyday in January. #StayClassyMama
I love that you are encouraging another generation to love Latin. For Christmas I bought my nephew Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in Latin! #StayClassyMama