When someone has a miscarriage….

Warning, this post may contain things that will be a trigger to some. Please read with that in mind. Also, I am speaking from my own experience, hoping to share to others who have not had a miscarriage, but also for those who have, to know that they are not alone.

Why am I writing this? Out of the blue? 

This week, I have learned that three women, who I know and am friends with, have lost pregnancies. My heart is sore, and I would do anything to help them not have to go through what they are going through. I would not wish a miscarriage on anyone. I have heard some things said both in real life, and on social media, about miscarriage and how women going through one should act or respond when they are suffering, and I wanted to clarify, and point out some helpful things.

25 percent of women, of childbearing age will have a miscarriage. That’s 1 in 4 women. Some women will have a miscarriage and not know it, just assuming that their period was slightly later or heavier than normal, and some will be anticipating a pregnancy, with joy, and realise that they are loosing the pregnancy.

A miscarriage can happen for a reason, or for no reason, that medical staff can find. They can happen quickly, and be over in a few painful hours, or they can take longer, as the body tries to deal with the fact that it no longer can sustain the pregnancy, or sometimes a woman has to have a procedure performed to complete the miscarriage. All three are equally horrible to go through, and all as emotionally and physically devastating.

I know this, because I am the 1 in 4 myself, and I have had a fast, painful, very bloody miscarriage, I have had a slow, took two weeks for my body to miscarry, miscarriage and I have also had  an EPRC to remove what my body could not deal with. Two of these took place before we conceived Big Girl, and one took place when Little Man was not quite a year old.

Miscarriages are still a taboo subject for many. People don’t know what to say, or how to speak to someone who has lost a baby in pregnancy. I honestly think people don’t realise that although a baby hasn’t been born yet, that it may still only be tiny, and the pregnancy not visible, to outsiders, it is still something that is painful, both emotionally and physically to go through for the women suffering. Sometimes even close friends and family don’t know what to say or do.

When you miscarry, you are not only struggling with the painful physical effects, but the emotional and hormonal ones as well. You go through a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, fear, grief, being the ones I remember most, and guilt, too. (Did I do something wrong, that this baby was not meant to be?) and your hormones are all over the place as your body adjusts to not being pregnant. It’s a very challenging time, and you grieve. You grieve what was lost, and what would have been.

Miscarriages happen. They are a fact of life. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore them, or try to hide them, and if you have never suffered a miscarriage, I am going to suggest some things that you should or should NOT say to someone who has suffered a miscarriage.


DO NOT SAY/DO the following….

“well, it wasn’t meant to be, clearly there was something wrong with the baby, this is your body telling you that” – we know this, our logical minds know this, but we don’t need to hear it, right then and there. In a few months, we might be able to say this ourselves but right now, we don’t need to be told this. It’s ok for you to think it, and to say it to yourself, but please don’t say it to us, unless we say it ourselves. When we are ready we might feel like this is something that will help us with the emotional healing process of recovery.

“well, you can always try again, will that be soon?” Please don’t say this. We may well try again, for another baby, but right now we are grieving the one we lost, and there is no replacement for that. Also, it’s rude to enquire what someone’s conception plans are, I thought I would just point that out!

“well, at least you can get pregnant, so and so can’t…” Yes, we are aware that so and so is struggling with infertility, and that is a dreadful thing, but piling on guilt when we are in this painful place is neither helpful or needed.

“maybe you shouldn’t be having any more children” – I don’t think that is anyone’s business, and if anyone ever says that to me, or to someone in my presence, I probably will slap them.

“Did you eat anything/drink anything/take anything that might have caused it?” Um, really? Apart from the fact that it’s none of your business, and tactless to say such things, it probably wasn’t anything we did, it just happened and if it happened for a reason (i.e. hormone issues or a fetal abnormality or a medical condition, then nothing we did or didn’t do caused it)

“My aunts’s best friend’s daughter had a miscarriage, she was fine, and got over it” or “you need to just get over it” or “it was just a clump of cells, or not very big, you need to get over it” or the worst “It wasn’t a real baby, yet”. Seriously? These are again, all slap worthy. Just don’t say them.

When someone has had a miscarriage, don’t pretend it didn’t happen, or avoid them, or try to make light of things, or ignore them, or stop talking to them. They have had a loss, like any other kind of loss, and need time, and kindness as they process that. Don’t not invite them to events, because that might be upsetting to them (it was worse for me knowing people hadn’t invited time to a baby-shower, when I had just had a miscarriage, because they thought I would be offended and hurt, at being around pregnant women, than being allowed to decided on my own if I was able to cope with the event) let them decide if they want to come, if they feel up to coping, and be gracious if they feel they can’t, right now. Also, don’t expect someone to “just get on with life, and face things” because whilst yes, normal life has to go on, we might need a little grace as we process, grieve and pick up the pieces of life again. We need a bit of time, and that time can vary from woman to woman. Just because your aunt’s best friend’s daughter was apparently fine within a week of her miscarriage, doesn’t actually mean she really was, and isn’t the time frame you should put one someone else. There is no time limit to the healing process from a miscarriage. Everyone is different.

So what can you do? 

You can reach out us. You can tell us you are sorry, and that you know we are going through a painful time, and that you want to help if you can. It may be we don’t need help, but it’s nice to know it’s there. You can listen or be a shoulder to cry on, if we need it. Just go about normal life, including us, being our friend, and if we need a little bit of TLC or some time to process and are a bit distant, don’t be offended. If we don’t want to talk about it, or we choose to talk to someone who might have been through a miscarriage because we need to speak to someone who has that experience, don’t be offended. It’s not personal. Give us time, let us grieve, let us deal with how we process it. Be there, if we need, understand that we will come back to normal again, and that what we are going through hurts. Miscarriages happen, no one can say they don’t. How people handle themselves around a person who is suffering during one, can make a huge difference.

I don’t often moderate comments, other than for spam, and I do want people to share their thoughts, and add things that might be helpful to this blog post, but I would ask you to be kind and gentle, and think before you post. Thank you!

Posted in Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth and tagged baby loss awareness week, grieving, miscarriage, Pregnancy, pregnancy loss.


  1. A very helpful post.
    I had a miscarriage with my first baby! I found out at the 12 week scan it it took a lot to get over it! I was upset by one of the nurses at the hospital who said most women miscarry their first child! That didn’t help at all! Grr! x

  2. O … 🙁 … so hard to even know what to write. I can’t even being to comprehend how really sad it must be to have a miscrarriage and be aware of it … to have 3 … it must have be heart wrenching … so sorry you had to go through all that pain.

    I know my mum has some miscarriages, and for me at different points over the years, i’ve wondered about those sibblings that never were … hard to contemplate and easier to move on quickly from the thoughts. And now being a mum, the very thought is so excruciatingly hard to even entertain … so scary.

    Thanks for sharing about your experience and also some of the stats. It’s crazy how it’s so much more common that we realise; I only learnt this whilst I was preparing a lesson for my students some years ago. I just hope there’re enough support for those who go through it and need it.

    Sorry I’m going on and on; I think it’s because this is such a difficult issue.

    Thanks for the tips about what not to say … my, that some people will actually make some of the comments you highlighted is crazy!

    May you and your family contine to be comforted. So thankful for you that you have Big Girl and Little Man.

  3. Brilliantly put. I’m so sorry you had to go through this first-hand to be able to share. My own experience was a very early miscarriage and I heard many of those insensitive sentences too. Hopefully this blog post will teach people how to act a little kinder.

  4. Just wanted to say thank you for sharing this, and sorry you had to go through this. My friend is suffering at the moment and now at least I know what I definitely shouldn’t say xxx

  5. You’re so right about this being such a taboo subject Karen, anything about pregnancy and baby loss are seen as “difficult” subjects to talk about! I too am the 1 in 4 I have miscarried at 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 11 weeks. I also gave birth to an angel at 23 weeks and 5 days gestation, which medically in the UK is still classed as a miscarriage rather than a stillbirth because I did not carry to the “magic” 24 week point in my pregnancy!
    Like many others I have, over the years had many of the comments you highlight said to me, as well as many more you have not listed! I think often people say something just because they feel the need to say something, anything; rather than out of any kind of malice. When often all we need is to know that they are there, that they recognise our loss and our grief, support us in it and will not judge us or our situation.

    Currently in the UK statistics show that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and 17 babies (at or over 24 weeks gestation) are stillborn every single day!! The stillbirth rate in the UK has remained at 17 for a number of years yet in many other countries in Europe and around the world stillbirth rates are dropping! More needs to be done to lift the “taboo” and bring the subject of pregnancy and babyloss into the open. More needs to be done to research these issues and make necessary and appropriate changes to reduce these rates in the UK and around the world.

  6. People can be so insensitive. I had a few of those said to me when I was going through it. I don’t think they mean to be hurtful but they should just be quiet and not say anything if they can’t say something supportive, just offer a hug and to be there.

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