It’s not bah humbug, it’s self protection…

I recently celebrated a birthday. Actually, I asked for minimal celebration, and whilst we did mark the day, and the children made a fuss, and I had lots of love and greetings from friends and families, and some very kind and thoughtful gifts, I would have been quite happy for my birthday to pass unnoticed […]



I am sharing this because it’s cathartic for me. It helps me to get the words out and express myself, at a time when I tying to reconcile what is going on with my mind and my body. If you don’t agree with our choices or the way we live our life, or feel you […]


When someone has a miscarriage….

Warning, this post may contain things that will be a trigger to some. Please read with that in mind. Also, I am speaking from my own experience, hoping to share to others who have not had a miscarriage, but also for those who have, to know that they are not alone. Why am I writing […]