That’s what you are, you are a moron. A thieving moron. You’ve decided to help yourself to people’s bikes, and make off with them and today you picked on his, and stole it from a train station today.
The transport police think there is a spate of thefts happening, in and around the station. He isn’t the only victim. It looks like you may have even been caught on CCTV this time.
I’ve called you a lot of rude names since I found out. I’m furious. The husband is annoyed and sad. That bike is what he uses to cycle to work daily and we will have to now replace that. (Thank goodness we have insurance cover)
You seem to think you have the right to just help yourself to other people’s possessions. Again, you are a thieving moron. I hope you have an accident on one of the bikes you’ve stolen, and I hope you get caught.
The bike was locked and left in the bike storage at our local station. I doubt we will get it back…
My love for my fellow mankind this week has been seriously tested this week, this has been the cream on the cake. #sorrynotsorry
Ugh! I am so sorry! How annoying and infuriating!
I hope your hubby gets a new bike soon x