Welcome to our week in photos. This is our weekly catch up for both sets of grandparents who live abroad and don’t get to be as much a part of the daily madness of our lives as much as we and they would like. So we share here for them to get at least a snippet of what we get up to.
This week has been challenging in every area of life and parenting it seems, but we have survived, and we live to cause chaos into another week.
The kids:
The kids have been busy this week, and we have had little boys fully proud to be enrolled in Cubs (he joined a local cub group last year, before Christmas and has thrown himself into their activities and it’s been really good for his confidence as well as learning new skills and meeting new people)
We have had tween parents evenings. I was told I had to behave myself, not pull out baby photos, or turn up in my unicorn running leggings. She spoils all my fun! However, I can say that she’s doing really well, and no complaints from any of the teachers. In fact lots of positive things said about her and how well she is doing. Reassuring for us, because secondary school is a big step for both parents and kids.
We have also had trips to Kew, birds stalking our lunch, and snow, although much to the children’s disappointment it didn’t stay.
But we did make snow at the toddler group I run, which almost made up for the lack of the real white cold wet stuff.
The cats:
We had YET another visit to the vet, because, yes, you guessed it, Jasper has been in yet another fight. This time we add eye drops to our arsenal, as we help him recover. Thankfully it wasn’t worse and the most sad thing is he isn’t happy about being under house arrest until his wounds heal. He isn’t keen on being swaddled for medicine. As the tween said to him “you did your crime, now you need to serve your time”.
The Food:
The last week or so of Veganuary is upon me, and as usual there are food photos to share.
I have enjoyed it and learned some interesting lessons, and also tried some good and not so good foods. I will have some blog posts to share about that in the next week or so.
But you can see we have had cake, more cake (it’s not me eating all that cake, honest, some of it is for work and other people, I promise) treats made by the tween, haggis, vegan pizza (which was amazing) vegan alternatives to regular meals and trips to the shops for supplies late at night with WhatsApp photos flying when I realised I wasn’t my usual organised self.
This week has had some good moments to outweigh the bad ones, I think that’s parenting and life, isn’t it?
How’s your week been?