Project 365. A photo a day. Photos that make you smile.

Project 365. A photo a day, every day of the year. 

Do you have a favorite and treasured photo that makes you smile and brings back good memories? I think we all do. This is one of mine.

This photo, of what is now the tween, is one of my most favourite pictures of her as a baby. She was a delight, generally happy unless she wasn’t feeling well, and I remember her babyhood days and toddler years with much joy, despite my postnatal depression and anxiety. This is just such a happy photo. I have a copy framed.

She still is a delight, mostly, by the way, when the tween hormones and puberty aren’t in play… 😉

Do you have a favorite and treasured photo that makes you smile and brings back good memories? I think we all do. This is one of mine.

Posted in Family Life and Parenting and tagged a photo a day, from the archives, project 365.


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