*I was kindly sent products to review for this post, sharing how I find a moment of calm or two each day, as a busy working mum, but all words are my own*
My life is somewhat busy and mostly crazy, and as a full time working mum, who also home schools there are very definitely moments where I think that life can’t throw much more at me. I need to find moments for me. A moment every now of calm and help me de-stress.
It isn’t easy finding time or space to look after me, but I know that if I don’t then I start to drop all the plates I am spinning and I can’t look after everyone else who is looking to me to keep it all together.
So, I have to make little moments, as my tweenager puts it to “find my inner zen and chill”. Even if it’s just a few minutes alone, it helps.
There are a few things I do to make sure that my little moments are maximised and that I benefit from them.
I make sure that I am not disturbed. This can be hard, but can be done and this is when I teach my kids about self-care too. I will make sure my son has something that is keeping him busy and that doesn’t need my input, and I set a timer and tell him that unless it’s urgent, he needs to not disturb me. I usually aim for twenty minutes. He is good at sticking to this although he does watch the timer and sticks to it precisely.
I turn everything that can disturb or distract me off. Phone, laptop etc.
I put on some music I like to listen to, or a podcast that I know I will enjoy and relax to.
I either try and lie down on my bed, if I am at home, or I will sit in my chair in my office with the door shut so no one comes in.
I turn the lights down low so it feels less busy.
I use some de-stressing aromatherapy products and this lovely little kit is just the right size to keep in my work bag or have on my desk at work, or on my dressing table at home. It smells amazing, and immediately brings a sense of calm and “ok, I can do this. A balm that you apply to special points on your body and a candle to burn to fill the air with refreshing and uplifting fragrances.
DE-STRESS our remarkably soothing blend to help you juggle more throughout your day, keeping you calm and in control. It’s your portable companion to support you through life’s everyday journey.
Our 100% natural, essential oil based Aromatherapy Balm is mess-free and won’t leak or spill in your bag. Use DE-STRESS as part of our Wellbeing Ritual.
Our therapeutic candles are made from a custom blend of natural waxes, sustainably sourced and non-GM, with pure essentials oils for a clean burn and natural fragrance.

Just taking those few moments to focus, breathe, try and relax and find some calm, enjoying some music and absorbing some relaxing aromatherapy really helps me to feel like I can manage what life throws at me. It’s not always possible for me to do this every day, but I try to make sure I do grab some moments each week to center myself. I find life a lot harder if I don’t.
What little things do you do to bring a moment of calm to help you breathe and cope with what life throws at you?
I think your self care ideas sound really good!