Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

We are rolling into January, and have had a rather challenging week, but life as usual, does go on. We are back into normal routine, the teen is back at school, and although we had a lovely and very peaceful Christmas break, I think it’s good she and her brother are not on top of each other as they were starting to squabble a bit and annoy me with that.
The boy and I are back to homeschool routine, and classes start back this week, and I am trying to ease myself back into work mode.
I am embarking on a bit of a weight loss plan, which so far is going well, I have given up wine, chocolate, and most carbs. I haven’t karate chopped anyone yet, so it’s going well. I don’t want to get skinny but I have gained a little weight back since I lost a lot of weight and I want to feel better about myself.
We have booked our Easter break, AND our summer holiday (at EcoGites of Lenault, if anyone wants to check them out) and we are stalking flights to Bangkok to see if we can stretch our budget for a warm Christmas break. We shall see.
Our week has been pretty boring really, but we do have our usual video summing up the chaos if you want to see what we have been up to.
This is my favourite photo from this week. When Mum says you need to walk the 2 miles and back to the dentist because you need fresh air and exercise…

Well done on getting back into a routine. I am hoping we get into one this week. Good luck with the weight loss.
hahaha! I don’t think my two would be happy with walking 2 miles home. lol
I’m back on a diet too – cutting out carbs and sugar (chocolate is my downfall, so no more!). Hope you’re feeling better for the healthy eating.
N always moans about walking – he’s lucky because we can’t really walk to anywhere useful from our place anyway.
I’m impressed that it took until the end of the Christmas holidays for your kids to start squabbling. It’s non-stop in our house! Good luck with the weight loss. That’s pretty much how my husband loses weight too – just cuts out all the treats.
Welcome Karen. I love that you are going to Rosie’s gite in the summer. I’d like to go sometime, but I don’t fancy all the driving on my own (bit of a driving wuss). I’m trying to lose weight too, but my problem isn’t really the treats it’s the portion size. The trouble is cutting down on that leaves me feeling hungry. I like his face on the walking to the dentist picture – I have a similar issue with my son too sometimes.
Welcome to 365/366. Your son does not look too impressed with the walk or the dentisits. How lovely you’re visiting Rosie’s gite, we’ve been online friends for ages, but never met, do say hi. I appear unable to cut out the treats, if they’re in the house I eat them
Way to go on getting back into the routine, it’s not easy. Your son does not loo impressed with the dentists or that walk. That is nice visiting Rosie’s gite. I am dieting too, it’s not the easiest when there is still so much Christmas treats xx
I always everything is much calmer with routine. Amazing how a bit of fresh air can help a lot X #mysundaysnapshot
nothing wrong with a boring week.
I love the saying on the mug, made me laugh.
The fresh air will have done them good, and I think all siblings start to squabble when they are cooped up together for too long
Welcome to Project 365! Look forward to seeing what you get up to this year.
My eldest wouldn’t be happy if I made her walk too!
Thank you, I am off to do some commenting now.
Love the expression on his face and the saying on your mug. Welcome to project 366 #66
Thank you, he’s such an actor. Off to do some commenting on last week’s posts
Welcome to Project 366! The saying on the mug made me smile. We do walk a lot every day, as I don’t drive, and 2 miles there and back is not that bad, especially in the fresh air. π
Good luck with the diet!
Welcome to project 366. How exciting that you have booked your holidays. I would love to go to Thailand! I hope you manage to find some in the sale. I am sure my eldest would have pulled the same face.
How exciting – I wish I had a holiday booked. Such lovely snaps of the walk out – it’s great to get some fresh air especially in the winter when it’s hard to get out without getting soaked to the bone. Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.
Welcome to Project 365/366! I’m on a low-carb diet as well and it is working well for me. I want to reduce my weight till my BMI returns to normal. You’re definitely not wasting any holidays this year. I love the unicorn mug
Welcome to Project 365/366! I’m on a low carb diet as well. I have two little squares of chocolate and a slice of bread a day otherwise I don’t have any carbs and it has really worked out for me. I love the unicorn mug. You definitely have not wasted any holidays this year