Life in Lockdown. I never thought I would have to write those words. But two weeks ago, like much of the world, we were told we had to STAY HOME. It isn’t optional and we are doing our very best to protect our health care system and stop the spread of a virus that is causing devastation around the world. Trying to balance my anxiety around illness and death whilst also running a home, supporting the husband who is working full time at home, educating one child and supervising the education of the other, whilst also try to work myself is, shall we say challenging. But we have to do this, we don’t have much choice. This is our weekly diary of how things are going for us.

I think I can say that the last week has been harder. I am not sure why. I think reality kicking in as well as “being on holiday” because we have stopped school work for the Easter break, has made it seem much tougher. We have survived it, but it has been challenging. Moods have been stretched, tempers trying and there have been a few meltdowns from both adults and kids. But we plod on, and we know this is life for the next while. I am grateful for friends that have checked in on me and I am doing my best to check in on other people too.
I have been officially furloughed from my job which was a little weird at first to process but for the best for now. However I will be taking on a volunteer role locally that I can do from home, helping with sourcing supplies and food for people in need and doing admin and processing data for a group that is helping to feed and support our community, which is at least something useful I can do to help. I am looking forward to getting on with that. I should be able to juggle it around the kids and family life.
I have also learned this week that I very much appreciate the people who do things for me, that I am not very good at myself but I can make do in an emergency. Let’s just say that I will be very glad to see the lady who does my eyebrows when lockdown is over and life is back to normal!!
We have also been enjoying getting creative with food, baking and cooking, and I am enjoying the less rushed pace of being at home.
We ended the week with some serious hilarity and a slightly different and a rather cheating filled game of Pin the Horn on the Unicorn. Who cheated most, I wonder (wasn’t me!!)
We have decided that in spite of it being still “school holidays” next week that we will be going back to the normal routine of homeschool and schoolwork, to keep us all sane and in a better routine. The kids don’t know it yet but as both are finding this situation rather strange I suspect they won’t protest too much.
So here’s to another week. How are you coping?
Sorry you have had a rough week. It is hard all being home together all of the time. We have had a few moments this past week too.
It’s great that you have found a job you can do to help and support your community. x
it is very up and down, isn’t it?