Life in Lockdown. I never thought I would have to write those words. But over three weeks ago, like much of the world, we were told we had to STAY HOME. It isn’t optional and we are doing our very best to protect our health care system and stop the spread of a virus that is causing devastation around the world. Trying to balance my anxiety around illness and death whilst also running a home, supporting the husband who is working full time at home, educating one child and supervising the education of the other, whilst also try to work myself is, shall we say challenging. But we have to do this, we don’t have much choice. This is our weekly diary of how things are going for us.

This week the rules of lockdown changed slightly. There was a lot of confusion on Sunday night and Monday after our Prime Minister made his speech telling us some updates. Could we go to work, do we take the bus? What about schools?
For us, nothing much has changed other than we can now go out more than once a day for exercise and possibly could drive somewhere for a walk if we wanted to. Life in Lockdown remains pretty much the same. The husband has been told he will be working from home for the foreseeable future, and I am furloughed til June then there are some changes ahead for me. I don’t go shopping for pleasure, and we can’t go out and eat anywhere and all the places we love to visit and activities we do are still closed, so we are pretty much still at home and plan to stay that way for a bit longer.
1) How are you feeling/coping? We are doing ok. We have our wobbly moments and I would love to just be able to see people in person rather than over Zoom, and I am not that keen on the whole “meet one person in the park at a safe distance thing” really, yet. We carry on as we have been.
2) What are you doing to keep yourself occupied? Blogging, feeding the kids, triaging calls for a local charity feeding people who are isolated and shielded, homeschooling, and also trying to do some crafting and creative stuff for me.
3) How are you dealing with everything at the moment – are you self-isolated, going out for essentials etc? Has this changed? We have groceries delivered, due to one of the house being shielded, and if we need medication or something urgent I go out, masked and brave. Other than that we go out for exercise and we are in the garden a l.ot which helps
4) What advice do you have for others? I think everyone is feeling the strain now, and if you really do feel you are struggling please reach out. Rather ask for help than think you are alone or that it’s silly to feel this way.
5) What have you bought this week that others might like? Especially if from a small business. It’s the husband’s birthday next week and rather than bake, I have treated him to some divine looking allergy friendly cupcakes from The Heavenly Cake Company which are a surprise (so don’t tell him!) and we are looking forward to those arriving.
6) How has your routine been this week? We had a really tough day on Monday and sleep has been a bit out of whack and lacking so we are still a bit out of things but we have stuck to our routine and coped.
7) Have you planned anything for once lockdown is over in the past 7 days? Nope, just hair cuts, a date night with the husband, coffee with friends, a trip to get a facial, the list goes on…
Why not join us and link up and share how you are getting on with Life in Lockdown too?
I’m the same, it seems to be monotonous now and I just want to be able to meet up with someone and give them a hug. I’m not sure how long I can carry it on without cracking.
I had a bit of a meltdown last night about it all. I want normal life back. I think we all do. It’s hard, isn’t it?
I was doing ok but this last week I have had to put in a big effort to go out on my own as I suffer with panic attacks when going out on my own, i feel great when I get back home to think that I have achieved facing my fear.
I feel quite panicky when I am out alone, I am not sure why. It’s not easy is it?