Our week in photos – keep calm, it was half term…

Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

our week in photos

So apparently it was half term this week. To be honest, although the teen stopped her online schoolwork and the boy hasn’t done much academic schoolwork, it’s been pretty much the same as normal. We don’t really drop our routine for holidays, and now we are in lockdown, it’s actually better to keep to routine for all our mental health and sanity’s sake. But we have had the added fun of trying to get some ballet videos sorted for the boy for two ballet school auditions. We are now doing them in the garden, where there is space for me to film and get his whole body in, but we have to time it for when our neighbours are not in the garden with their kids (5 on one side and 3 on the other and 4 at the bottom of our garden end, it gets very noisy. Normally it doesn’t bother us, and we enjoy the human noise, but when you are trying to record a video on a laptop and with a phone it’s noisy and frustrating. Wish us luck getting that done this week and over with. We have also decided that for now, we won’t be making any changes to our lockdown status. The teen is shielding until mid-June, and then is allowed to be taken off the list, but we aren’t convinced that things are moving too fast so we are staying as we are for a while longer to see how things go before we look at if we start to try and ease out of things. I am furloughed until the end of the month anyway and the husband is working at home so it’s not really much change for us.

We have also almost finished the boy’s room and working on the final bits and then we will show off all our hard work. If I never have to strip and paint skirting boards again, I won’t complain, let’s just say that…

My favourite photo this week. A pawprint drawn in chalk on our wall by my kiddos. We let them loose with chalk in the garden, it washes off and it’s a great way to get them outside and playing too.

Our week in photos

You can see what we have been up to here in our weekly video too.

That was our week in photos. How was your week? I hope it has treated you kindly?

Our week in photos
Posted in Family Life and Parenting and tagged project 365.


  1. Good luck making the ballet videos, love the chalk paw print, i’ve not ventured out with the chalk yet, but there is still time. I won’t be easing up and doing anything differently during lockdown, other than some social distancing visits with friends near by

  2. I hope the audition videos went well in the end. I don’t envy you having to sort those out at home. I know my daughter struggles with the space when she practises ballet. It seems sensible not to change much as lockdown eases. Love the chalk drawing.

  3. I do hope the auditions videos went well in the end. It must be hard to do that in the house. I love the cute paw print. Such lovely photos. Hugs x

  4. I love the colourful chalk footprint! I totally keep forgetting to buy chalk in our weekly shop, would be great to get outside and doodle on our driveway! 🙂 I would never have guessed it was half term last week… nor a Bank Holiday! Every day really just feels the same..! Fingers crossed for the ballet videos! Sim x #Project366

  5. Love the rainbow paw print. Good luck to your son with the ballet auditions and hope you manage to get the videos recorded. We’ve had a few issues with outdoor video recording for our church services so I can relate to the problems of trying to get things videoed without too much background noise. #project366

  6. Good luck with the audition video, it’s not easy to concentrate while performing, when there’s noise from all over the place. Lovely paw print.

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