This week we were able to venture out and visit a place we love, Kew. After 93 days of being at home. Kew Gardens is a place we visit often, and we enjoy going there. I nearly cried when we went through the ticket Kew and the staff all said “welcome back” as people were coming in. We go as often as we can and it’s a great space to enjoy nature and learn. We often take homeschool work with us, do some of that, then explore and play. I don’t think you can ever get bored there. It is a little different at the moment due to COVID and social distancing but to go back to a familiar space and feel safe and relaxed was great for the boy and me and gave our mental health a much-needed boost…
The boy loves to play Pokémon Go and because we have been at home for 3 months, I have LOADS of data that needed to be using up on my phone, so whilst we enjoyed a lovely long walk and explore, he got to hunt down Pokémon and catch them (I have no idea how it all works, but he loves it and it’s a good way to get him out and running about!) and I got to use my proper camera and take LOTS of photos. You can see a three-minute video here

Whilst he was busy I was snapping away and this one I really liked. I am not sure what plant it was so if anyone does know they can tell me, but like three months at home, waiting for life to resume some sort of normal, watching the world change in ways we never imagined, it’s an interesting perspective inside a plant.
It was good to have a little bit of normal, and some time out of the house. We needed that.
Linking up to My Sunday Photo.
I’ve never been to Kew Gardens, too far for a day out sadly. Such a lovely idea to take school work with you and use up your data catching pokeman
Stunning detail, I’ve never visited Kew but would really love to
Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
I am so glad you got to visit Kew Gardens. It sounds like you had a lovely time especially with catching the Pokemon. x
I’ve never been to Kew…it’s on my list! #mysundayphoto
It is very much worth a visit if you can!
What a fantastic photo. It sounds lovely to get back to Kew. It’s somewhere we’ve never visited. Pokemon Go has been essential to my 16 year old’s survival in lockdown! He’s played it every day.
Those are so pretty. I would love to visit there. xx