My Sunday Photo – Gecko will pose with his food

Spotty the gecko is the perfect model. There is an old saying “never work with children or animals” but he is the most cooperative creature. He’s very sociable and loves to be interacted with and will happily pose for the camera. He’s not like the children or the cats, or in fact, my husband, all of whom have to be heavily bribed to even take nice photos for their grandparents let alone anything for social media. I love them all really, though.


He really is the most endearing little thing, he enjoys being handled, loves company and even enjoys watching tv with us, and in fact will look at the tv when it’s off, wondering when we will put it back on. He’s been with us for a year now, and we have got very used to having him around and he’s slotted in well. He has his own Instagram too if you would like to keep up with him here

He is very easy to look after and other than cleaning his terrarium he isn’t high maintenance. He does however eat live food, which took me a while to get used to, as it does feel rather strange to have to feed one creature another creature.

As you can see, we caught him posing with his food. He clearly is a social media poser. After all, did you really enjoy your meal if you didn’t get a good photo of it first then share it with the world?

This photo actually has to be credited to the husband who took it whilst feeding Spotty, using our fancy new iPhone 11 phones, which has a not bad camera at all.

Spotty did, in case you are wondering, eat his food after he had nicely posed with it, he is, after all, a gecko first, social media poser second.

Darren Coleshill

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Posted in Everything else and tagged My Sunday Photo.


  1. That’s quite funny having a gecko that poses. One of our labradors does as well. Never quite in the right position, but if she sees the phone come out, she’ll sit and look at me

  2. That is an awesome picture! You can almost see him smiling! Gecko’s are awesome, my parents always have lots running around the outside of their house and sometimes inside too. My daughter has tried to smuggle some back with us before so always need to check her bags! Such fascinating creatures but that is a fab up close picture! Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

  3. Hahahah, Spotty looks so beautiful! I felt the same way about feeding live animals when I had snakes as a pet. It’s alot of work! It’s quite surprising that Spotty stayed still for the picture before eating the insect

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