The weeks are flying by and it’s Meal Plan Monday and I thought this week I would share a mum fail, a food allergy fail, before I kick off with our weekly meal plan.

The teen was recently told it’s very likely she has Celiac disease. All her symptoms and markers point to that, we see a specialist again early in the new year at some point and she will have more tests next summer again to double confirm it. With Celiac disease, to prove you have it you have to eat food that contains gluten and that of course makes you feel pretty crappy, and you have to do that for a period of time to give your immune system time to show the right markers in your blood. Because she is at school and doesn’t really want to feel ill for weeks we are waiting to do these tests again next year. She’s done them once.
Now we know gluten and or wheat is not her friend we are super careful about what she eats. Because her dad is gluten intolerant I am already fairly used to that but we have to be extra careful now because she feels so unwell when she eats soemthing with fluten in it, and cross contamination is an issue. We read a lot of labels and check everything.
Unfortunately, last week, I “glutened” her. Not intentionally, but I was meaning well.
I bought us a tonic with vitamins and minerals in it to build us all up after having Covid. I didn’t even think to check, stupidly what was it’s base. She had two days where she knew and felt unwell and that she had been glutened, but we couldn’t figure out what she had eaten and I had been careful about any gluten products around her. It dawned on me as I was wracking my brains as to what she had eaten, to check the tonic. And lo and behold it contains malt which is barley, which contains gluten. So I felt really stupid for making my poor girl ill, and not checking super thoroughly. The moral of this story is READ EVERY LABEL and always check. She is fine now and over that but I still feel awful about it.
So after that food allergy fail, onto planning our meals for this week.
Monday: The teen is cooking with Smart Raspberry again, and I think it is sausage and bean casserole, which sounds delicious.
Tuesday: I am making shepherds pie, a vegetarian version, because the kids have been asking for it.
Wednesday: It’s ballet night and pesto pasta is my go to for that as it’s easy and quick and no fuss.
Thursday: I haven’t made my version of what we call Spanish omelette for a while and it uses up loads of veggies and bits from the fridge so we will have that.
Friday: both kids are out which is unusual so the husband and I may get a takeaway.
Saturday: the children have their first dance show in almost two years, since Covid hit, so it’s a whole day for that, into the evening, and I suspect we may just get pizzas to heat up and eat when we get home. I have found some really good gluten free one’s that work well, so at least it’s easy and safe.
Sunday: kiddo has ballet all day and likes to come home to a big proper dinner, and has asked for courgette and potato bake, which is super easy to make and filling too.
And then we are almost at the end of November and it’s Christmas month incoming. The last few months seem to have gone so fast, or is it just me?
I am loving that people are linking up to join Meal Plan Monday and share what they are eating and planning to make, it’s a great way to meet other bloggers and get food inspiration.
Last week we had Life with Kim celebrating a birthday, Mud, Cakes & Wine gave me an idea to try and see if my crew will eat stuffed peppers, Mad House Family Reviews had Tartiflette which is a French meal I adore, Bobbing Along reminded me to ask the husband if he has ever had liver & onions and Cups of Charlotte had some fun sounding meals including Cowboy Stew which I reckon my kids would love too.
If you would like to join, feel free to add your link here. I will comment on all posts and share them on Twitter too. I am working on getting a button to be able to share as well to link to us, but that’s a work in progress.
Share your link and comment on some other blogs too. You might find some new food ideas.
What are you eating this week?
Oops for glutening your teen. I am glad she’s OK now.
Great meal plan. I love meals like shepherds pie and sausage casserole at this time of year, real winter warmers.
Enjoy your takeaway and good luck with the dance show.
Thank you for the mention and for hosting x
Oh no ! I wouldn’t have thought to check the tonic ingredients either ! Glad she’s feeling better now. It sounds like a really busy week this week. Loving the menu plan. Sausage and bean casserole sounds ideal in this weather π
I would have not thought about the tonic either but glad you figured it out. What a busy week you are having but still lots of lovely food