Welcome back to Meal Plan Monday and Happy New Year. Each week I share what we are eating, planning to eat or cooking and how we meal plan for a family of four with food allergies and Coeliac disease on a budget. We shop at Aldi and Asda mainly for convenience and also for food allergy product accessibility.

Christmas was lovely and we thoroughly enjoyed a very relaxed ten days with some fun activities, family time and lots of lovely Christmas food.
However, I am glad to be done now and back to almost normal routine. The teen is back at school tomorrow for a covid test and then properly back at school on Wednesday and the boy and I are back into homeschool as well. We have some Christmas cake left but other than that we are back to normal non Christmas eating.
Our meals this week look like this:
Monday: Curry and no, it’s not made with leftovers.
Tuesday: Meatballs and gnocchi
Wednesday: Pesto pasta, we are back on the London ballet run and this is quick and easy to make and eat and great for hungry kids post ballet class.
Thursday: fried rice to use up fridge lefovers
Friday: Baked potatoes and salad
Saturday: kiddo is cooking. I think he is talking about making chinese dumplings but he still hasn’t decided.
Sunday: is a full ballet day for kiddo so I make a big roast dinner for when he gets home as he is always STARVING after a full day of dance.
Thank you to Mud, Cakes and Wine, Life as Kim, Mad House Family Reviews and others for linking up last year. I look forward to see what you are eating as we land in 2022.
Feel free to link up your blog and comment on some other posts shared by other bloggers. It’s a great way to meet new people and I am super nosy and love seeing what other people are eating or cooking. I will retweet your posts and like and comment on them too each week.
Happy New Year. What are you eating this week?
Happy new year!!
We will be back in our normal routine on Wednesday when the kids are back at school and college.
Great meal plan. It is good to get back to eating normal food.
Thank you for hosting x
Happy new year it will be great to be in a routine again we have school starting today but then have to wait a week for taekwondo which is a bit of a pain I want my full routine back now. There is some beautful meals on your menu this week we are lucky we don’t have too many left overs left now