Meal Plan Monday – Happy New Year

Welcome back to Meal Plan Monday and Happy New Year. Each week I share what we are eating, planning to eat or cooking and how we meal plan for a family of four with food allergies and Coeliac disease on a budget. We shop at Aldi and Asda mainly for convenience and also for food […]


New Year, new me? Or not. Letting go…

Happy New Year. You might be reading this through a blur of coffee and recovery after enjoying a New Year’s Eve party or celebration, or you might like me, have gone to bed early, because you have kids who don’t sleep in (actually mine slept in ’til 8 am today, which is a minor miracle) […]


Hello 2019…

We are back. It’s been a while since my last blog post. Our blog has had a bit of a tidy up and revamp, and some bits tweaked, and I am now able to get back to work and share life again. 2019 has landed and it’s been a bit challenging so far, but we […]