Welcome to our homeschool week and how I plan and work with our son to home educate him. If you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram you will know that whilst I have one child in school, I also home educate our son. This is how we do it.

We have landed into the spring term half term. It did feel like January into February was long and we are looking forward to the week’s break.
We don’t go totally into “chill and do nothing” here though. Both the boy and I find the adjustment from normal routine to holiday challenging and it’s only a week so we don’t just down tools and stop. We tend to have activities planned, and keep busy, although all academic work does stop for a few days. His sister is at school so is on a proper half term break too.
So our week looks like this:
Monday – I am at work as usual, and kiddo is at Camp Beaumont which he loves. It keeps him busy all day and happy, and it is reassuring to me that he is looked after. It’s great as he spends time with peers his own age and is good for his social life too. That’s very important for home educated children.
Tuesday – I am also at work but he has some dance classes because he has assessments and exams coming up.
Wednesday – we have a trip to the cinema planned to watch Sing 2 and time with some friends
Thursday – Kiddo is at Camp Beaumont again because both parents are working
Friday – Dad is in charge, and I am not sure what his plans are but I get some time off.
Saturday – he has a playdate with a friend planned
Sunday – he has ballet all day
So not a very busy week but definitely not shutting down and doing nothing.
We are starting some new topics after this half term for our homeschool curriculum and working on meeting a new singing teacher. More on those next week.
Have a great half term if you are about to hit it.