Welcome to Meal Plan Monday and this week we are working into some new habits and eating more plant based meals.

Whilst my whole family doesn’t eat plant based or vegan all of the time, we are trying to work on eating like that 3-4 times a week. Partly for cost reasons (the price of food is going up, what seems like almost every week at the moment, thanks to the cost of living crisis we are all facing in the UK) and also because plant based is good for us and gives a chance to try some new things too.
Because we have just hit Halloween, and of course, pumpkin carving, we enjoyed some risotto made from the flesh this weekend (full disclosure, one of my children absolutely won’t eat that sort of meal and had chicken nuggets instead!)
So this week our menu is a bit like this:
Monday – lentil based “bolognese” sauce with pasta, I replace the meat with lentils and it’s really yummy and my kids love it. Win all round.
Tuesday – leftovers from Monday as I make enough for two meals.
Wednesday – it’s just the teen for dinner, because kiddo and I are in London for ballet and the husband is out at a social event. She’s having pesto pasta.
Thursday – sausage and potato bake, with veggie sausages.
Friday – we are at firework night at the teen’s school, so will be grabbing dinner from the stalls there.
Saturday – the husband and I will be eating together, to be honest I am not sure what we are having yet. He wants steak. That is NOT plant based!
Sunday – I think we are going to have a stir fry, or I will make toad in the hole.
And that’s our week.
If you would like to share your meal plan, please feel free. Click on the link to join, and we will comment on your post and share it to Twitter and Instagram stories too. We will also share your posts in our next Meal Plan Monday.
What are you eating this week?
Also have you got any vegetarian or plant based meals that at least three of us might enjoy (kiddo may not, we don’t fight him on food choices)
My family hate the thought of plant based or vegan foods but will eat them, most of the time they don’t even realise. lol What great ideas for meals. We’re having spaghetti Bolognese this week and I might make it lentil based. We’re getting dinner from the stalls when we go to a firework display locally! I can’t wait! x