Welcome to our homeschool week, where I share our weekly schedule, what we are getting up to, and how home education looks for us, with a child who “should be” in Year 8 at school but is, instead, learning at home with his mum and dad.

Our last blog post about what we get up to weekly was at the end of January. I can’t actually believe that six months has gone past. We haven’t of course stopped home education, but life has been busy and I haven’t been up for blogging as much.
But we are back and as we move into summer, I thought I would share what we are doing and some chat about starting some GCSE curriculum in September a year earlier than he would if he was “in school”.
But first, our week is looking like this –
Monday – a violin lesson, then an English group learning session, then he does some maths independently, and I will set him some geography and history work to do. He also has a swimming lesson.
Tuesday – he has a singing lesson, and then he’s at work with me, and I will set him some independent work to do, some maths, some literacy work and some topic work.
Wednesday – he has a maths tutor session and normally we would head to home ed group then ballet classes but it’s my birthday so we are going into London to see the BBC Earth Experience for a treat then dinner at a Chinese restaurant that has been recommended to us for having an excellent gluten free menu, which will work for his sister.
Thursday – an at home day, with French tuition, then learning with me. We are working on Tectonic Plates and Earth formation so we will probably work on that and throw in some maths, and literacy work. He has a big ballet session in the afternoon that he attends too.
Friday – Dad is in charge on Friday mornings and he teaches the other bits of science, aka physics and chemistry so he plans and does that and that keeps him busy for the morning. Friday evening we are trialling a new ballet class session in London so we are off to that.
Because like to take things at our own pace, and because he’s doing really well in science and maths, we feel that it might be good to look at landing into the GCSE area for those topics. He will be doing 5-6 GCSE’s, a mix of IGCSE and normal GCSE and we are using a course where he will do online lessons and then work set by the teacher for science and we will do practical work and follow up work with him at home. This will be the same for maths. This means he may do both of these GCSE’s a year earlier than his peers but we shall see how it goes and how he does. He loves both subjects and is keen, so why not.
I will talk more on GCSE’s and our plans in another post, because it’s a bigger conversation and we are not fully decided on other areas he will study yet.
But, that is our homeschool week for this week. We will be continuing most of our routine as the summer carries on and we don’t plan to fully break and stop. More on that next week.
As always, feel free to ask any quetstions in the comments, or you can chat to me on social media. I am always happy to chat on Twitter or Instagram about how we homeschool and how it works for us.