Mirror Mirror – David Allot

I was kindly asked to review Mirror Mirror for this blog.

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Mirror Mirror, is not a fiction book. There are parts that you read that you wish were fiction, because you realise the tragic mess our care system is in, but as someone who has also experienced the system that cares for those who suffer with dementia, sadly, I know it isn’t fiction.

Mirror Mirror tells, in his own words David’s perspective of their journey through the system, as his wife is diagnosed with dementia.

mirror mirror

David and Margaret’s story is, sadly, not unique. Margaret was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in early 2018. This is the real-life story of the husband and wife’s journey to seek support and care over the past few years. David shares their experience of dementia “care” so that anyone caring for – or living with – dementia can learn from what happened to them, and hopefully avoid the many obstacles, challenges and pitfalls that they had to overcome. One in every 14 people aged 65+ have dementia, that’s around 900,000 people, and the numbers are increasing rapidly every year. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone embarking on the journey to seek care and support for their loved one once symptoms of dementia set in. From getting a diagnosis to getting the right kind of support for them – and you – written with raw passion and from the heart, Mirror, Mirror is dedicated to the memory of Margaret. And to help every other person feeling lost right now.

I must admit I was a little anxious about reading this, because you know from the start that this isn’t a happy ending type of book and the fact that someone has to write something like this tells you that their story needed to be shared to help others.

My own grandmother experienced dementia and whilst our story is different because it was over 20 years ago, and she was in Scotland, I still remember dealing with the ups and downs of managing certain aspects of her care as the person nominiated to make decisions for her at various points in her decline and time in a care home.

Mirror Mirror is a book everyone should read and not just those facing the diagnosis of dementia in a loved one. I firmly believe that if more people realised what the family and loved ones have to deal with as they face this journey and then walk it through, then perhaps more awareness would mean more action, better processes, faster diagnosis, more support from finances to emotionally for those who love someone who is, frankly, loosing their mind and slowly fading away.

It’s informative but also heartbreaking and with every page I felt more sad for David as he shares what the reality of their life was like.

It’s not an easy book to read, but definitely and eye opening and informative written life story that makes you realise how fragile life is and how that fragility isn’t always someone else’s priority.

I don’t recommend it lightly but I do highly recommend reading it. It’s available on Amazon

Posted in Book reviews and tagged Dementia, Dementia UK, Mirror Mirror.