A little glimpse into my working mum life, packing my work bag with me, as I get ready for a week of work, home educating my son, and mum life and trying to keep organised whilst I juggle it all. I currently work 15/16 hours a week, out of the home and whilst it’s not entirely office based, I don’t have a fixed desk or office space (and that’s my choice and how I prefer it) so I do carry some bits around with me, to manage my working day smoothly.
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So what’s in my bag?
Fully charged – I tend to over prepare and pack so I always have a fully packed charging kit, which includes a very useful multi charging cable from Native Union* that has different adaptor ends so you can charge items with a USB port, USBC and Lightening port. Because not all devices have the same charge ports this is super handy. I occasionally have clients who will need their devices charging so it’s definitely a piece of kit I don’t want to be without.
Organised – I carry a notebook and my paper diary with me, always. I work better when I make written notes, so a paper diary helps me with that. I do also use a calendar via Google but paper, even if it is old fashioned, works for me. I also carry my iPad, a keyboard, stand and pen for my iPad. I make a lot of notes for work that need to be stored electronically so using something like Goodnotes works well for me. I also
Personal effects – hand cream, body spray, hand sanitiser, a small make up bag, my purse and wallet, keys, business cards. Need I say more?
Random items I might need and eco friendly options – I always carry a water bottle, a portable reusable coffee cup, some travel cutlery and some hand wipes. Because I want to reduce my single use plastic impact but also don’t like being caught out without the basics.
Peace and quiet rule – I have my trusty headphones for music and podcasts on the go, then some Loops which are great for me to wear when I need to cut out noise and distractions.
Other bits and pieces – a face mask or two, because I do use public transport and whilst Covid is “over”, people can be, frankly germ riddled, and I object to being coughed and sneezed on, in close proximity. I also carry things like tissues, lip balm, my keys, and I try to keep a cereal bar packed for an emergency snack (I also recently discovered these pocket “coffee” shots, which are great for the afternoon slump, too)
So what does all this go in? My work bag of choice is from Nordace. I resisted buying one for a long time, but have seen them being used by so many people that I decided I was going to fall for the hype. And I must admit whilst it is ludicrously capacious, it does the job perfectly and is comfortable to carry on my back.

So, that’s what is in my work bag, for everyday use. It rarely changes in contents, and I tend to keep it packed and ready to go so I can grab it, as we leave the house, rather than stressing about packing it.
So, there’s a little insight into my working mum life. Do you carry a work bag? What am I missing that you think I need to add to my work bag?