Our week in photos 16/02/19 – 23/02/19 pop tarts & half term

Welcome to our week in photos. This is our weekly catch up for both sets of grandparents who live abroad and don’t get to be as much a part of the daily madness of our lives as much as we and they would like. So we share here for them to get at least a snippet of what we get up to.

It’s been a really calm and nice half term, and we have been busy. It’s going to be hard to get back into routine next week, although to be honest, we have pretty much stuck to routine, more or less because it helps us all to manage better. The weather has been great though and we have been out and about a lot.

We have had trips up to London, to visit the Sea Life Centre and sleepovers (which result in grumpy tweenagers who stay have stayed up far too late, lots of eating out (d0es anyone else seem to eat out more during school holidays?) We remembered that it was my Mum’s birthday at the beginning of the week, and even though my children never met her, or knew her, we do talk about her, and my memories. Layla has not really enjoyed the children home and in her way all week, she WILL be glad when we get back to normal routine next week. The husband and I had a whole day off, together and took ourselves up to London, and explored, had some lunch. You can see our video here.


We have also eaten well, this week, and drunk well. I will admit to getting thoroughly excited about half price avocado in the supermarket, because we eat a lot of them, in our house, I have been reviewing some wine, for Mother’s Day (more on that next week, it’s a hard blogger life, indeed) and yes, those are Pop Tarts. I occasionally indulge in some junk food, it isn’t all vegan katsu curry and hispter chocolate brownies round here.

February is almost over, and we will be counting down to the Easter break, we have a lot of fun things planned.

I am off to finish the Pop Tarts, don’t tell my children, they will be cross with me…

Let us know how your week has been, have you survived the half term break?

Posted in Everything else and tagged Our week in photos, project 365, school holidays, the story of us.