Today we did some normal and it was lovely.
We spent time with another homeschool family at Hampton Court Palace, which is relatively local to us and a place we haven’t visited since before the pandemic started, in fact, since 2019.
It is a lovely spot, and I could happily wander around for hours. The kids however kept us walking and we explored the gardens and the Magic Children’s Garden and enjoyed less hot weather but socializing and doing NORMAL. I was allowed to take some photos of the rose garden and it just felt nice and normal.
I must admit as we ease into less restrictions I am glad but also in the back of my head utterly terrified at the prospect of another winter lockdown if Covid19 and I really hope we are done with that, but in the back of my head I can’t help thinking it might happen. Trying to just enjoy life for now and not worry about that and the impact that the last lockdown had on our mental health is my main challenge right now.
The teen is doing better. If you follow us you will know she had a bad asthma attack this week, narrowly avoided a hospital admission and we are doing round the clock regular medication to get on top of whatever triggered her and get her well again. Her peak flows are pciking up and she is less tired and listless. We will be having a full asthma review shortly. We had one recently but if you follow me on my private twitter you will have seen my rant about that, and as “new” asthma parents it’s hard for me to know if we are getting things right but at least, for this week, we are getting back on top of things.
It’s Friday tomorrow, again. This week has flown by in a blur of night wake ups, nebulisers and prednisolone and much coffee.
But, we are doing some normal and normal, right now, is just what we need.