Welcome to our homeschool week and how I plan and work with our son to home educate him. If you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram you will know that whilst I have one child in school, I also home educate our son. This is how we do it.
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We skipped a few weeks because Covid hit us again. In fact our last post was three weeks ago. Fortunately it wasn’t as bad this time round as it was the first time, but it did mean I was out of action for a few days and then kiddo wasn’t well. We don’t homeschool when he’s not well, and this instagram post gives you an idea of what we do when I am not well enough to work with him.
We also have had half term, which passed fast. Kiddo was at Camp Beaumont for the week, as well as some extra dance classes, although we managed to snatch a day at Hampton Court palace with friends too. We also visited Eagle Heights Wildlife Sanctuary. It was a nice, if short week and I didn’t feel like I got much rest, but then I am juggling a lot of work at the moment. Role on the Christmas holidays, for some much needed rest.
Our homeschool week is fairly calm and quiet this week:
Monday – science time with Dad, a violin lesson, some school work with me, and then an art class.
Tuesday – A busy day with maths tuition, a singing lesson, a French lesson, and then a ballet class.
Wednesday – He has ballet in London, but we will do some homeschool first. We have some history and RE planned for the day before we go.
Thursday – I am on an online course all day, fortunately at home, so I will set him some work, he will be with me, and work independently along side me, and I will take breaks to help him when he needs it. I am trying to get him to work more independently as he gets older and it mostly works. He also has a ballet class and Scouts. It’s usually a late night and a long day.
Friday – some of his friends are still on half term from actual school, so we have a plan to see one of them for the day. I am sure they will keep each other amused and we may go bowling or to the huge soft play in Syon Park, if the weather isn’t good. He also has a swimming lesson.
Saturday – he has gymnastics and tap class.
Sunday – is our down day.
It’s a fairly quiet week for us, we have plans next week to visit the zoo or a museum, but for our first week back we are taking it easy.
As always, feel free to ask questions or comments. We are always happy to chat about how we homeschool and what works for us.