My Sunday Photo

Taken on our recent trip to Warwick Castle. When the children turn the tables on the parents and insist on an embarrassing photo…  Taken by the tween. She is insisting this go on all my social media sites too, of course! 😉


Is it possible to not buy new clothes?

The alterative title to this blog post should be “I have a massive hole in the ass of my jeans and I REALLY don’t want to go clothes shopping” because I have been wondering lately, about clothes shopping. I don’t particularly enjoy it. I like clothes, I like nice clothes, but because of the jobs […]


Project 365 – a photo a day 01/09/18

Pinch, punch, first of the month! I had a great day today learning some urban photography skills. (blog post about that tomorrow) and only I could find the coffee pot amongst the glorious graffiti in Shoreditch. Of course I had to take a photo!  Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon!