Using retinol for healthy and glowing skin

Retinol has gained widespread popularity for its remarkable ability to address various skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to acne and uneven skin tone. However, like any potent skincare ingredient, it requires careful consideration and proper usage to maximize its benefits and minimize potential side effects. I am not a skincare expert or professional […]


How to care for your gold jewellery

I am very lucky to own a couple of pieces of valuable antique gold jewellery and some diamond jewellery . They were either inherited or gifted to me and they are much treasured pieces that I wear on special occasions and hope to be able to pass them on to my children as heirlooms. Usually, […]


Make your bedroom a sleep heaven

Creating a sleep heaven in your bedroom involves a thoughtful combination of ambiance, comfort, and relaxation. By paying attention to various aspects of your bedroom environment, you can transform it into a sanctuary that promotes restful sleep. It isn’t hard to make the space you sleep in more cosy and sleep inducing. We have some […]


Managing my menopausal blood sugar with Nutrikane

*This is a partnership post, with Nutrikane. I am sharing my story as I deal with menopause and managing health issues around that. You should always seek medical input and advice before making dietary or lifestyle changes when dealing with health issues* I have been struggling with some health issues for some time. Nothing life […]


Make your own cat litter freshener

If you have cats, then you probably change their cat litter, and you may also need or use cat litter freshener to keep the litter tray smelling fresh and clean, in between full cleans and poop and clump scoop sessions. Most cat owners clean out their cat litter trays regularly. Unless you have one of […]


How to deal with fungal nail infections

Fungal nail infections are a nuisance but also very common, and can be hard to deal with and get rid of. It may mean you can’t wear your nice summer sandals because your feet look unsightly, and an infection can spread to other toe nails too. This post contains affiliate links. If you click on […]


What is an ear infection?

We are no strangers to the pain of an ear infection, and have dealt with them in childhood with our son, but also as an older child into his teen years. Fortunately as he has got older, they have decreased in frequency, and he had grommet surgery when he was three which made a huge […]


6 Tips for Supporting Your Foster Child’s Mental Health

Mental health issues are common in foster children, particularly those who have experienced trauma, disruption, or adverse childhood experiences. As someone these children have come to trust and rely on, you are in a unique position to make a positive difference. Here are six key tips to help you support your foster child’s well-being: 1. Create a Predictable Routine […]