I write about mental health, from my own perspective and more generally.

My journey is very personal but other people have chosen to take it very personally too and because there are people who would use what I write in a negative way, I feel the need for a layer of protection and for the time being I have chosen to make some of the mental health content of this blog private. Should you wish to read those posts please feel free to contact me here and we can chat.
One day there will be less stigma around the sharing of the mental health journey so many struggle with. We can but hope.
All this healing is killing me – Gabrielle Pilicci
I was delighted to be asked to review All This Healing is Killing Me, by Gabrielle Pilicci, and given the journey of healing and self discovery I myself have been on, it seemed like an appropriate book to immerse myself in. At age 20, Gabrielle Pelicci returned from her modelling career in NYC to her… Continue reading→
Living with Imposter syndrome
When you have lived with imposter syndrome all of your life, but didn’t realise it is an actual “thing” the relief that you feel when it turns out it’s not just you, and that there are ways to combat it, is life changing. Impostor syndrome (IS) refers to an internal experience of believing that you… Continue reading→
A year of pandemic, a year of anxiety.
Today is a year of pandemic, a year of anxiety. A year ago today, I told my husband that he needed to plan to work from home and not go back to the office because frankly “this shit is about to get real”. He came home that day and has not returned to his office… Continue reading→
Lockdown has been good and bad for my mental health.
Lockdown has been good and bad for my mental health. Why? This post is a harder one for me to write. Talking about my mental health these days feels trickier. Partly because I am aware that people reading this space don’t always feel comfortable about what I share and also because to be honest, I… Continue reading→
I have forgotten how to relax
As I work through the issues and triggers around my anxiety and spend time in therapy, areas of my life are being scrutinized and turned over. My therapist recently asked me “what do you do to relax, do you know how to relax?” I thought hard for a few minutes and the only reply I… Continue reading→
Anxiety and me – what you see/what you don’t see
I make it no secret that I struggle hard with anxiety. I used to try and hide it but now I don’t. Anxiety and me are, for now, bedfellows and I am working on not letting it win. Some days are a victory and some days are hard lessons learned. Someone (who gets me, and… Continue reading→
M.E.N.S – self care or else.
It’s no secret that I’m in therapy. I’ve been in and out of it but went back a few months ago. It’s hard work and not my favourite thing but it is helpful. My therapist is not all nice and pat on the head either. She is in fact incredibly tough and expects me to… Continue reading→
Keeping things on the low. Anxiety and me, and a radical Facebook cleanse.
I haven’t shared much about my anxiety and me, recently. Mainly because there isn’t much to say. I wrote about cutting out WhatsApp and how that has helped to reduce noise in my life. I also shared this post on Facebook. “It’s one of those eye-roll-inducing Facebook posts. In an attempt to look after ME and… Continue reading→
Anxiety and Me – Removing WhatsApp as a cause of stress.
Causes of stress? We all have them. For me, one of the major causes of stress in my life is the tools used to communicate that demand my attention and response. WhatsApp is one of those things. I recently returned from holiday, having had a tech-free break. I didn’t take my work or personal phones… Continue reading→
Anxiety & Me: What made you have anxiety?
What made you “have anxiety?” I have always been a “more anxious” person. As far back as I can remember I know I had feelings of anxiety that seemed to be not normal. I used to worry about my family dying, I worried about getting sick, things on the news would make me terribly anxious…. Continue reading→