I write about mental health, from my own perspective and more generally.

My journey is very personal but other people have chosen to take it very personally too and because there are people who would use what I write in a negative way, I feel the need for a layer of protection and for the time being I have chosen to make some of the mental health content of this blog private. Should you wish to read those posts please feel free to contact me here and we can chat.
One day there will be less stigma around the sharing of the mental health journey so many struggle with. We can but hope.
I don’t play party games and I don’t do fancy dress
I don’t join with party games and I don’t do fancy dress In fact, I hate both… It’s common knowledge amongst my friends and family that I am a boring old fart, spoilsport, misery guts, party pooper. I will happily admit that and own the title. Ok, I don’t hate games. There are a few… Continue reading→
How I discovered my sense of self through Motherhood – and found it wasn’t what I expected
This is a guest post about finding a sense of self through Motherhood, from Joanna, who shares over at My Anxious Life. Motherhood. There are highs and lows and we all have different experiences, but one thing we can all agree on for certain is that it’s all-consuming. From the moment you begin your future… Continue reading→
Normal service is resuming.
It’s been a rollercoaster of six weeks. Normal service is resuming. He’s going back to work tomorrow. Slowly, he’s easing himself back into normal routine. 6 weeks ago, they told me he “we think is having a heart attack”. Then, much to our relief, it wasn’t that. But it still was over a week in… Continue reading→
Will I always worry?
Worry. It’s what I do. We make jokes about it. We call me the “worrier” and the husband the “calm one” and we say that I do all the worrying, he does all the calm coping. But it goes beyond that. I know it’s hard for people to understand. Anxiety for me, is triggered by… Continue reading→
Mental Health Wisdom – Antony Simpson
*This is a review post. I was kindly sent a copy of this book to read and share on our blog* Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 is upon us. Today I am sharing a review of the book Mental Health Wisdom by Antony Simpson. Antony is a registered nurse, who has experience in the mental… Continue reading→
Things I have learned in therapy
My problems are not something other people can fix. Other people’s problems are not mine to fix. Boundaries are good. Boundaries will be resisted though and it is MY job to put them in place and then stick to them even when it’s harder than anything else I’ve ever done. I can feel sorry for… Continue reading→
Anxiety doesn’t make me weak…
I think, in fact I know, that people believe that someone with mental health issues, dealing with something like anxiety, depression or other long term mental health diagnosis, are weak, and broken. I have had people say it to me. I have had people imply that, not so subtly. The way people react and treat… Continue reading→
Winter is bad for my mental health.
This is the first time I have voiced the sentence “winter is bad for my mental health” aloud. “Winter is bad for my mental health”. I have thought it for the longest time, but then dismissed that thought as silly, hippy talk. Too much Doctor Googling and not enough common sense. But in therapy we… Continue reading→
You are only human
“You are only human” My therapist said that to me last week. “You have set yourself such a high standard that now it’s hard for you to admit that you have parts of you that make you vulnerable, and need to be looked after” “You push yourself so hard, you give yourself no grace, and… Continue reading→
I may have anxiety but I still know my own mind…
The long winded title for this post should be “just because I have a mental health diagnosis, doesn’t mean I don’t know my own mind and what is or isn’t good for it”. I often think that people with mental health issues like anxiety and depression, once they have come to terms with that and… Continue reading→