Welcome to our weekly update, mostly for grandparents so they can see what we have been up to.
This week has been a bit weird. I’ve had struggles with another bout of tonsillitis and have spent some of the week feeling pretty grim, had a shot of antibiotics in a part of my anatomy that isn’t polite to mention in public, which isn’t been fun. But onwards we go. 2018 is coming to a close and Christmas is coming up fast.
We’ve fed our Christmas cake, it’s maturing nicely and I’m so looking forward to eating it when we go away.
We’ve also put our Christmas tree up, cat supervised of course, as you can see.
Christmas month is the only month when chocolate is allowed to be consumed before breakfast and my kids are up and keen to see what’s in their advent calendars. The bigger boy also likes to open his calendar too! 😉
The tween has disappeared off to guide camp this weekend, the husband has done his round of Christmas party duties and I made a mince pie cake which will be a recipe that I’ll be sharing on the blog in the next few days so watch out for that.
We’ve made bread, eaten chocolate pots and started to slowly get into the Christmas mood!
I smell like TCP, so no one wants to hug me, but I did also manage to source shin pads for the tween who suddenly decided she needed them very last minute for PE at school which meant a trip to the shops. The things we do for our kids!
So that was our week.
How was yours?