Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop between Aldi and Asda, working on a weekly budget and managing sourcing food allergy supplies.

This week is another taste of Silly Season and Christmas Festivities slowly creeping in. I do enjoy it, even if it is a little tiring.
Monday – Tween is out for dinner. The boy cooks and eats at his cooking class. I have prepped courgette and potato gratin for the husband and I.
Tuesday – gluten and dairy-free toad in the hole in between rushing from choir, to home and out again to cubs.
Wednesday – it’s ballet day so it’s pesto pasta to go.
Thursday – both kids are out for tea and I am working a long day. The husband says he is cooking but I am not sure what yet. I will be surprised.
Friday – we are taking the children to Bang Bang Oriental, which is an oriental food hall in North London, for dumplings and to try some new foods.
Saturday – the tween is out at a Christmas party and so am I. The boys will be having nachos and a movie night at home.
Sunday – we are visiting the local Christmas market so will source lunch there, and it will be a use up leftovers/scrambled eggs on toast kind of supper.
So that is our week. I am kind of bored of Pesto Pasta on ballet nights so if anyone has any suggestions for easy to-go meals the kids can eat between classes I would love some ideas.
What’s on your menu and plate this week?