Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

We haven’t shared our weekly photo update for a few weeks. Life has been a bit crazy, and also with the blog moving to its new space and name in the next few days, and a lot going on with my day job, I have been distracted and not shared. So here is our bumper two-week photo edition.
We have had lots of nights out, and we are realizing that being a parent and trying to be glam and have late nights REALLY doesn’t mix. We have also had lots of fun visits to London for the tween and I and the usual chaos and crazy of our week.
This is my favourite photo from this week and basically sums up pretty much how I feel about life right now. Silly season in full swing.
I hope the week has treated you kindly. Into December we roll…