Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

We have had a very busy and somewhat chaotic week this week, but we have survived. We decided it was finally time to catch up on some much-needed DIY and the teenager’s room is first on the list (and actually, the hardest room, we think, to get done. We have worked hard and it’s almost finished. The husband and I are still speaking to each other and the children have been busy at sports camps and courses. I shared a few things that have made me happy this week, which you can find here.
We have survived two trips to Ikea and spent far more time in DIY stores than I ever thought I would want to, but it’s been nice because the husband and I have had some time together, whilst doing the work needed and the kids have had a busy half term and there hasn’t been much boredom or frustration.
This is my favourite photo from this week. I promise the husband is faking that sad face. He actually LOVES a trip to Ikea, although it has to be said I think it’s a lot less chaotic without kids in tow…

You can see what we have been up to in our weekly video below or click here here
Back to normal next week, school, homeschool and life, and my next DIY project will be our bedroom, wish me luck with that…
So that’s our week in photos. I hope this week has treated you kindly too…
Ahh! My fella has been doing bits of DIY around the house since Friday and I am just about talking to him. Tools are taking over the house. lol
Good on you for braving Ikea with the kids. What a fun photo x
I now want to do our room. Husband is very scared 🙂
that’s impressive if your OH actually likes going to IKEA – mine certainly avoids it at all costs! #366
Mine would happily go on his own but then what fun would it be because he wouldn’t do the hall with all the random bits you don’t need but HAVE to buy!
That is impressive you like going to IKEA, I am not a fan. I am trying to do some DIY as you’d have read. This sounds fun though xx
Oh my word a couple that enjoy spending time together in Ikea, hubby and I can’t even get to the car park before we’ve had a row
We do have arguments about what I want to buy versus what he thinks we should be buying but I think that is part of what Ikea does to you!!
My kids use to hate being trailed round DIY stores.
Only time I have been to Ikea is with DD1 and the kids, the places are massive.
Nice when they are old enough to be left to do their own thing letting you get on without worrying about them like toddlers.
I remember hating being dragged around DIY places as a kid. Now it’s my turn. Next time I will leave them with their grandad!!
Sounds like you have been very busy on the DIY front. Well done on getting the teenager’s room almost finished and still being on speaking terms with each other – that’s an achievement in itself! My husband loves a trip to IKEA – we tend to leave the kids with the grandparents whenever we go as the thought of dragging them around IKEA is not my idea of fun! #project366
Next time we are leaving the kids with my Dad!! I love Ikea but it felt hard work with the kids in tow!
Well done for surviving the DIY. That is a lovely photo! My husband and kids absolutely love Ikea. Sometimes they actually request a trip there as a treat! We’re just about to start work on our bedroom and I must admit I’m dreading it!
We got it done and now I want to do another room. Husband is very scared 🙂 I love Ikea but do find with the kids in tow it’s a little harder work.
I would like to do a room in our house each year, but my budget isn’t up to it and to be honest I don’t seem to have the time. I quite like a trip to Ikea though like your husband.
Now I have done one room I want to do the others, the husband is very scared 🙂
I need to sort out some of the rooms in our house..will be decorating when the weather gets better! I wish we had a local IKEA. Our nearest is 1 hour away.
The only problem I have now is that I want to do other rooms in the house too. Husband is very scared 🙂
Oooo good luck with the bedroom! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
Thank you. All done and it looks not bad. I am not a fan of DIY but needs must