Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

We have had an interesting week. The teen finally got her diagnosis of asthma, which we had been expecting but was hard, although now I am relieved we know and we have the medication and plan she needs to get her feeling much better. It’s been a struggle for a few months and now we are on the up.
I think everyone is feeling rather tense about Coronavirus and what or what it won’t do to the UK. I swing between feeling ok and calm to very anxious. It’s hard to work out what is scaremongering by the media and what we should be worried about. Is it just me?
We are worried about Layla again. I have a sneaky feeling that she might have some health issues, so we are off to the vet this week, to make find out what might be going on. I am hoping it’s nothing serious.
I am trying to decide if I want to change the theme of my blog and freshen it up a bit, but not sure what I want to do to it. Watch this space to see if and what I decide on doing…
This is my favourite photo and if you read our post last week you will know the husband decided that he would stop being rude about the turmeric lattes I like to drink and that they are actually ok. This week we converted the teen to them too. Safe to say she finds her dad’s attempts to pose for photos less than amusing although she did like the latte.

So that’s our very brief week in photos. I hope this week has treated you kindly.