Unless you live somewhere were Coronavirus hasn’t landed (and I am not sure, but I think there are a handful of countries who haven’t faced it yet) then like us you may be adapting to a new and what seems like strange life as we watch and wait to see what happens. Life will go back to normal, at some point, but for now, we are living differently. This is our daily update on how things are going for us.
Our current situation is Dad is working from home full time and thankful for technology that allows him to do that, Mum is semi-working whilst she waits out the pandemic, due to her work being public-facing, and the kids are at home. One is homeschooled by Mum and the other is doing online work via her school that is currently closed. We are not in lockdown yet but have been advised not to go out unless it’s very necessary in order to prevent spread of infection to others (we don’t know if we have had it, and also we don’t really want to get it)
I am counting this as day 2
Good things today?
We had a good time in the garden getting some fresh air and exercise. The teen wasn’t keen but I threatened her with no dinner if she didn’t join us. She thinks we are terribly mean for making her do such awful things!
We also managed to do a video call chat with the boy’s Cubs group which was great for him to be able to see his friends, and the teen has been able to chat to her friends and go online with her class and school. That is really helpful. I am very grateful for tech right now.
I got a big work thing finished. That means I can breathe a bit now, and focus on home and keeping us all afloat. I need to focus on my own self-care a bit too, I am realizing.
The not so good…
I have what I think is a cold. The teen had it last week. I kept her home because that seemed the most wise and sensible thing to do, and she was fine after a few days other than a mild asthma attack, but now I have a tickly throat, a snotty nose, and sinus pain. I do not think it’s coronavirus, but nobody seems to know anymore what is and what isn’t.
We also had a fair bit of tears and meltdowns today. Me, the teen, the boy. We will all get into a good routine and work things out, and we have to do this. As I told the kids, “the whole country is doing this, we need to do our bit, even if it sucks and is hard”.
I broke part of a tooth. A very old filling (I haven’t had any dental work done in nearly 8 years, so I am a bit gutted) has partly come out. I am not in any pain, but it will be a while until I can see a dentist so it’s a temporary repair kit and antiseptic mouth wash for me for the next possibly long while. Most dentists locally are shut, I have put in a call to see if I can at least get advice, but I think it’s a wait it out and not seek help unless it hurts or is infected. I hate going to the dentist. ironically, when I need one and WANT to get something sorted, I can’t. It could be worse though so I am trying not to be too grumpy about it.
So that is day 2 done. Tomorrow is another day. How are you doing in all of this?