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It’s National Unicorn Day – or if you are a sucker for # like me then #nationalunicornday. In a world where life is feeling pretty challenging right now, finding some fun things to do is important. If you know me at all you will know that I have a love of all things unicorn and we are having a bit of lighthearted and silly fun celebrating. I can’t explain why I love unicorns but thankfully my family are (somewhat eyerollingly) tolerant and sometimes get on board with my enthusiasm.
We have downloaded some crafts from Twinkl and will be playing “Pin the Horn on the Unicorn” later.

I will be wearing my rather cute little hair clip from Pippa’s Bowtique and no, I am never going to be too old or to sensible to not buy things like this, perish the thought (and it makes my kids roll their eyes at me, that’s always fun too)

We will also be making some cookies and getting as creative as possible. I have a unicorn cookie cutter (you knew of course, that I had to have one of those, didn’t you?) and we will be getting ALL the sprinkles out. This recipe works well for basic cookies and is allergy-friendly too. Or you could try these ones, they are a bit beyond our skills though.

I am trying to persuade my children to watch The Last Unicorn with me, but so far they are not keen. I am working on that…
And finally when my kids have (eventually) gone to bed, it’ll be a glass of wine, and a Unicorn Face mask. Because why on earth not?

The perfect way to spend National Unicorn Day. Are you celebrating? If not, why on earth not??