Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics.

In a way, our weeks are more of the same, and it has been a bit of a tougher week, but we are doing ok, and we carry on. We have been on “school holiday” and frankly have had enough of that and we will be going back to normal next week with routine and some schoolwork (no, I haven’t told the kids that yet, they won’t be keen but for our own mental health, I think we will be better off) We have eaten a lot of chocolate this week because it’s Easter and why not!
We have enjoyed lots of time in our garden this week, and I am very grateful for what we have when I think about it, and this reminds me to stop moaning when life feels a bit harder.
We have also been doing a LOT of home baking, and if I don’t get on Barry the Corona bike more I will be rolling out of lockdown…
The kids have enjoyed helping me in the kitchen, and getting into cooking and if anything positive comes out of this, they will be able to cook really well, and that isn’t a bad thing at all.
We also used technology and had a great chat with my dad all the way round the world in lockdown in Thailand where he lives. He is, thankfully doing ok. We wouldn’t be allowed to see or be with him, if he was here, so it feels weird but still normal to be so far away.

This is my favourite photo this week, more baking. Banana bread if you would like the recipe.
And you can see what we got up to here as well, the weekly video I send to my mother in law every week.
So that was our week in photos. How has your week been? I hope it has been kind, and your life in Lockdown is going as ok as it can be.
We’ve been doing a bit of baking and cooking together here too. I love doing it with N but he does have a tendency to get bored and go outside instead! Hope yours get back into their studies again without too much issues.
Thanks, we are getting there. Routine is helping
I think I am going to go back to making the kids do their school work too, we are all better when we have some sort of routine.
My two have been helping out in the kitchen more and have really been enjoying it. Great photo x
Routine is so much better for my sanity!
A garden is so important right now! I don’t know how we would manage without it. I think so many families are doing a lot more cooking and baking at the moment – and hopefully kids are picking up tips. My family did banana bread for the first time the other day. I didn’t eat any because I can’t stand bananas, but apparently it was very nice!
My teen hates bananas but loves banana bread! The garden is definitely a blessing
Even though I’m in the UK, I may still as well be in Dubai as I’m used to not seeing my family, like you with your dad. I’m eating more chocolate and baking more than usual, I think it helps relieve the boredom lol
We have to find things to keep us going, don’t we?
Having a garden is so important just now. I think it does help when the kids have a routine. My two have been enjoying the week off, but it is harder when working xx
We are very grateful for the garden. Working and homeschool and holidays is not easy!!
It is nice to do more baking but I’m with you on needing to start exercising a little more too! Lovely to have a garden and to be able to get outside. #project366
I am getting back into exercise now, it’s helping
I will also be rolling out of lockdown I feel. Sorry the week has been tougher for you. I hope that the return to routine this week has helped. I have been off work this week so it was wonderful not to have to juggle working from home with the school work. I am dreading next week if I am honest. Good to hear your dad is doing okay too x
This week has been easier. I hope your husband is fully on the mend now?
The cooking sounds like fun – I think I’ll have to get my son onto some.
It is really keeping the kids busy, at least.
My husband keeps asking me to make banana bread so will certainly be checking out your recipe. We have been on school holidays too and part of me is dreading getting the kids to do school work next week
We have slid back into routine better, it’s been ok, thank goodness. Hope you got back into it ok
OoOoOo chocolate and baking! Love the picture
Must admit the school ‘holidays’ were a bit stressful. Glad they have got some work to get back into now.
Me too. I am kind of braced for them to not go back til September, but I guess we shall see, at least we have distance learning!